Gabriella439 / pipes

Compositional pipelines

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Not enough strictness in toListM

GregorySchwartz opened this issue · comments

Using toListM when large files are used results in stack space overflows. When replaced with this (albeit horrible) definition,

P.fold go [] id
    go acc []  = acc
    go acc [x] = x : acc

there is no more stack space overflow. A fix would very much be appreciated as there is a lot of use to get out of toListM in my case!


Yeah, it's totally okay to use toListM if you really need it.

Also, there's nothing ugly about what you wrote (there are slight errors, but I recognize this diff-list trick). I use this pattern all the time in my own code when building a list. In fact, what you wrote is basically equivalent to:

import qualified Control.Foldl (purely, list)
import qualified Pipes.Prelude (fold)

toListM = purely fold list

... since the list fold from the foldl library uses the same diff-list trick to assemble the intermediate list.

Could you contribute a pull request for this? You don't need to use foldl, just use what you wrote.

I should mention, to do this trick I needed (: []) beforehand.


Actually, you can just write:

toListM = Pipes.fold step begin done
    step x a = x . (a:)
    begin = id
    done x = x []

This is the "diff-list" trick that I was referring to.


I'll mark this closed now that your pull request is merged