GabiGrin / atom-typescript-modules-helper-plugin


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Adds "import Foo from '../bar'" statements for you.
Adds "go to declaration" that works with modules declared elsewhere, and fallbacks to atom-typescript go to declaration, just ctrl/cmd click an indexed symbol.


  1. Go to your project
  2. Open command pallette -> type "Build index" -> press enter. This won't be needed soon.
  3. With the caret on the symbol you wish to import, press ctrl+alt+m (or command "Typescript Import - Insert" in command line)
  4. Profit!


  • This will only work with Typescript projects that use ES6 Modules syntax
  • It only works with default exports at the moment
  • Currently you have to re-build the index (see Usage step #2) each time you add/change things. This will be fixed very soon!
  • The code is horrible, this started as small test but Atom proved to be so easy to customize I just went on hacking with a mix of JS and CS. Please wear sunglasses while looking at the code.
  • Because of the above, this is not tested at all.


  • Add example gif
  • Remove need for building index
  • Make non-default imports/exports work as well
  • Use code-links for the go-to-declaration
  • Make it work with regular CommonJS modules
  • Rewrite using Typescript

#Contributing dokkis:

  • workspace.scan now is limited to ts and js files
  • added support for multiple export symbol in one file
  • support for non default export
  • support for interface, namespace and enum
  • added warning notification if you try to import multiple times the same symbol
  • added error notification if the plugin does not find the symbol
  • added support for numbers in the symbol definition (example ClassName1)



License:MIT License


Language:CoffeeScript 97.7%Language:JavaScript 2.3%