Guangwei Zhou's repositories
Implemented a Google-maps style routing algorithm with C++. Applied A star search algorithm to OpenStreetMap data and IO2D map display code to find a path between two points on the map.
Implement robot locolization within Gazebo using Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization (AMCL) algorithm. Simulate result with RViz
Udacity Nanodegree
Write a Linux system monitor with similar functionality to the widely used htop application.
A linear algebra library written in C++ that performs matrix multiplication and transpose
Apply RTAB-Map (Real-Time Appearance-Based Mapping) to control a robot to generate a 3D point clouds of the simulated environment in Gazebo through ROS
This project aims to solve the problem of distinguishing between different types of T-cells and understanding their difference in genes.
Coursera Machine Learning Online Course
In this program, you’ll sharpen your Python skills, apply C++, apply matrices and calculus in code, and touch on computer vision and machine learning. These concepts will be applied to solving self-driving car problems.
● The software fundamentals to work on robotics using C++, ROS, and Gazebo ● Build autonomous robotics projects in a Gazebo simulation environment ● Probabilistic robotics, including Localization, Mapping, SLAM, Navigation, and Path Planning.