GTuritto / jQuery-Textsearch

A jQuery plugin to provide a better way to search for text

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

jQuery Textsearch plugin

Written by Sankho Mallik for HUGE, inc

Thanks to Rob La Placa, Michael Adamek, and Tim McDuffie for contributing

What does it do?

Provides an easy way to search for text within a jQuery object. Rather than doing exact matches e.g. string === $('obj').text(), it searches for the words individually. There will probably be an option added later for exact matches.

How do I use it?

Like so:

    searchVal   : 'words to search for',
    callback    : function(obj, match) {
        // obj   : the individual object that was compared
        // match : true or false boolean value on whether a match was found or not

The example is much more helpful! More updates later. Cheers!


A jQuery plugin to provide a better way to search for text