GSimas / HtmlAndEtc

🖱HTML and CSS and JavaScript tests and experiments

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


"Logo que, numa inovação, nos mostram alguma coisa de antigo, ficamos sossegados" - Friedrich Nietzsche

Repositório teste para exemplos e projetos em HTML, Javascript e CSS (e PHP, por ventura), além de SASS, Jekyll, HAML, Flask, scripts com Python entre outras linguagens. Desenvolvido com Microsoft Visual Studio Code.


Templates/Temas Exemplo:

  • 3D Printing (Responsive Elegant 3D Print Scan)
  • Sample Resumé Template
  • Bionick 30
  • Verb
  • Volar
  • Timelines

Você pode acessar a página em progresso e testes neste link a seguir: Página HtmlAndEtc


Previous file was like that:

Welcome to GitHub Pages

You can use the editor on GitHub to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files.

Whenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run Jekyll to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files.


Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for

Syntax highlighted code block

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3

- Bulleted
- List

1. Numbered
2. List

**Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text

[Link](url) and ![Image](src)

For more details see GitHub Flavored Markdown.

Jekyll Themes

Your Pages site will use the layout and styles from the Jekyll theme you have selected in your repository settings. The name of this theme is saved in the Jekyll _config.yml configuration file.

Support or Contact

Having trouble with Pages? Check out our documentation or contact support and we’ll help you sort it out.


🖱HTML and CSS and JavaScript tests and experiments


Language:CSS 29.7%Language:PHP 27.9%Language:HTML 22.1%Language:JavaScript 16.2%Language:TSQL 4.0%Language:Hack 0.0%