GSAVV / SensorPi

A Raspberry Pi Zero W temperature and humidity sensor which logs to Postgres via GET requests

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A Raspberry Pi Zero W temperature and humidity sensor which logs to Postgres via GET requests


  • Raspberry Pi Zero W
  • SEN-DHT22 Sensor (Joy-IT, integrated resistor, 1-wire protocol)


  • Raspberry OS (Buster, 01-11-2021)
  • Python 3.7
  • pigpiod
  • a DB server which accepts the GET requests! (not included here, implement e.g. with this tutorial)

Preparing the board

  • "burn" the iso file onto an SD card
  • add an empty file called ssh (without extension) into the boot partition
  • add the configuration file wpa_supplicant.conf for the WIFI connectivity to the boot partition (needs Linux line endings! Use Notepad++ to ensure this!):
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev 
     ssid="WLAN SSID"
     psk="WLAN PASSWORT"
  • put the SD card into the RasPi and connect the DHT sensor as shown to pins 3v3, GPIO4, GND Pinout
  • boot the Pi and SSH in
  • then run passwd for pi user and sudo passwd for su user
  • then run sudo raspi-config to set locale, hostname, enable Pin IO and I2C. (GUI can be turned off)
  • reboot
  • give static IP adress via options in the router (leave the Pi on DHCP mode)
  • update the system and go drink some coffee
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Preparing the program

First, we get everything from

mkdir sensorpi
cd sensorpi
git clone
sudo chmod +x

Then, we install the dependencies

sudo pip3 install pigpio-dht

After that, we set the connection details of the PG server inside the script

Finally, we add the following line to the /etc/rc.local file

/home/pi/sensorpi/ &


A Raspberry Pi Zero W temperature and humidity sensor which logs to Postgres via GET requests


Language:Python 95.3%Language:Shell 4.7%