GRSEB9S / Open-Space-Cellular_Automata

A spatio-temporal approach based on Cellular Automata (CA) for simulating the spatial dynamics of open spaces (include urban green spaces, parks, squares, trails, courtyards, and other natural spaces), by considering a set of spatial data that represents the infrastructural and socio-economic factors, namely the OS-CA (Open Space Cellular Automaton) model. The dynamic sub-model for OS is used to generate scenarios with different parameters (e.g. mean construction delays and mean area) for exploring the effects of planning policies on the future distribution of open space. The OS-CA considers the interactions and inter-attraction between open space and urban land in the simulation process. The proposed model can accurately predict the emergence of some open spaces.

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A spatio-temporal approach based on Cellular Automata (CA) for simulating the spatial dynamics of open spaces (include urban green spaces, parks, squares, trails, courtyards, and other natural spaces), by considering a set of spatial data that represents the infrastructural and socio-economic factors, namely the OS-CA (Open Space Cellular Automata) model. The dynamic sub-model for OS is used to generate scenarios with different parameters (e.g. mean construction delays and mean area) for exploring the effects of planning policies on the future distribution of open space. The OS-CA considers the interactions and inter-attraction between open space and urban land in the simulation process. The proposed model can accurately predict the emergence of some open spaces.

To cite this paper and software

Liang X., Tian H., Li X., Huang J., Clarke KC, Yao Y., Guan Q., Hu G.,(2021), Modeling the dynamics and walking accessibility of urban open spaces under various policy scenarios, Landscape and Urban Planning, 207:103993

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Running environment

Run OS-CA software by double-clicking the exe file 'OS-CA V1.0_boxed.exe'. OS-CA software can run independently on Windows Vista/7/8/X 64-bit environment, without any dependencies and setup process.

User manual

Please find the attached PDF file 'User Manual OS-CA.pdf' in the Repository.


A spatio-temporal approach based on Cellular Automata (CA) for simulating the spatial dynamics of open spaces (include urban green spaces, parks, squares, trails, courtyards, and other natural spaces), by considering a set of spatial data that represents the infrastructural and socio-economic factors, namely the OS-CA (Open Space Cellular Automaton) model. The dynamic sub-model for OS is used to generate scenarios with different parameters (e.g. mean construction delays and mean area) for exploring the effects of planning policies on the future distribution of open space. The OS-CA considers the interactions and inter-attraction between open space and urban land in the simulation process. The proposed model can accurately predict the emergence of some open spaces.