GOB52 / M5Stack_ESP-NOW-Sniffer

ESP-NOW packets are sniffed by M5Stack and output to serial

Repository from Github https://github.comGOB52/M5Stack_ESP-NOW-SnifferRepository from Github https://github.comGOB52/M5Stack_ESP-NOW-Sniffer




ESP-NOW packets are sniffed by M5Stack and output to serial.

00:56:23.162 > [                   1]
00:56:23.162 > src : f4:12:fa:84:8e:48
00:56:23.162 > dest: 30:c6:f7:1d:1c:cc
00:56:23.162 > payload: 11
00:56:23.162 > 00 52 2f 01 0b 00 06 48 01 00 73 
00:56:23.368 > [                   2]
00:56:23.368 > src : f4:12:fa:84:8e:48
00:56:23.368 > dest: 30:c6:f7:1d:1c:cc
00:56:23.368 > payload: 11
00:56:23.368 > 00 52 2f 01 0b 00 06 48 01 00 73 
00:56:23.575 > [                   3]
00:56:23.575 > src : f4:12:fa:84:8e:48
00:56:23.575 > dest: 30:c6:f7:1d:1c:cc
00:56:23.575 > payload: 11
00:56:23.575 > 00 52 2f 01 0b 00 06 48 01 00 73 
00:56:23.782 > [                   4]
00:56:23.782 > src : f4:12:fa:84:8e:48
00:56:23.782 > dest: 30:c6:f7:1d:1c:cc
00:56:23.782 > payload: 11
00:56:23.782 > 00 52 2f 01 0b 00 06 48 01 00 73 

Compile environment

For PlatformIO.

; **** Required setting ****
; Appropriate values for your environment.
; COUNTRY 2-character string : Country code ("JP" as default)
; CHANNEL_MIN integer : Minimum Wi-Fi channel (1 as default)
; CHANNEL_MAX integer : Maximum Wi-Fi channel (13 as default)
build_flags = -Wall -Wextra -Wreturn-local-addr -Werror=format -Werror=return-local-addr

In non-Japan environments, appropriate define settings are required in build_flags.

Symbol Type Content
COUNTRY String(2 characters) Country code
CHANNEL_MIN Integer Minimum channel No
CHANNEL_MAX Integer Maximum channel No


Button Description
A Decrease channel No
C Increase channel No
B Start / Stop sniffing (toggle)


  • Real-time performance is not high because output cannot keep up with the large number of packets to be captured.
  • I am referring to this document, but my interpretation may be incorrect.


ESP-NOW packets are sniffed by M5Stack and output to serial

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 100.0%