GMSteuart / lotto-buffalo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lotto Buffalo

A Colorado GameJam game


git clone
cd lotto-buffalo/ethereum && npm install
cd ../ui && npm install
cd ..


# Get services up and running
docker-compose up -d
# Move into the ethereum directory (truffle)
cd ethereum 
# Run truffle migrations to get contracts up
npx truffle migrate --network ganache
# Fund contracts with LINK
npx truffle exec scripts/fund-contract.js --network ganache
# Fund operator wallet with ETH
npx truffle exec scripts/fund-operator.js --network ganache
# Approve the Chainlink Operator
npx truffle exec scripts/approve-operator.js --network ganache
# Enter all the ganache accounts into the lottery
npx truffle exec scripts/enter-lottery.js --network ganache
# Run web app
cd ../ui
npm run dev
# web app: localhost:3000
# chainlink operator: localhost:6688

Operator Credentials

Explorer Credentials

Username: NodeyMcNodeFace
Password: u4HULe0pj5xPyuvv


Expect the local addresses to be the following:

Name Address
Migrations 0xA07B1c31F0bc5c5d53101D41f53aE1f4442701b8
LinkToken 0xF4d0e956464396cEBC998F60C0AB8720161fa4c2
Oracle 0x8886DB5440147798D27E8AB9c9090140b5cEcA47
VRFCoordinator 0x88Fd2bAd06285b90341458731dEc2c180cd2e892
LottoBuffaloGovernance 0x10C5c1065Cf2A073172C02B66A3Ef2Af729A4164
LottoBuffalo 0xdf05840e04f6031a7feF386Fd6c3D0972721CE5d
RandomNumberConsumer 0xDc2552b15A2Ca4305Cb74ec6F4151ca13E8F7974
ChainLink Operator 0x0b83e7104B17eb3775F78A4152A7960A43e475dd

Alarm Job ID: 778633ef18884692adc1fe9592107957

Truffle Helper Commands

Get contract and operater LINK amounts

npx truffle exec scripts/get-contracts-link.js --network ganache

Get lottery amount

npx truffle exec scripts/get-lottery-amount.js --network ganache

Fresh Installation

When wanting to start from scratch (i.e. operator has no jobs, updating VRF key, no existing database data, etc) the following steps are necessary for local development.

If the applications services are running, run docker-compose down in the root of this application structure. The instructions commands will be ran from here too.

  1. Delete the database backup to prevent the database from being initialized with data: rm data/db/backup.sql
  2. Remove existing database volumes: docker volume rm lotto-buffalo_db-data lotto-buffalo_explorer-db-data
  3. Start application services: docker-compose up -d
  4. Create a new alarm job using the _templates/alarm-job.json template
    1. #TODO insert command for creating template via cli
    2. Update ethereum/contracts/LottoBuffalo.sol with the new job id.
  5. Grab the Chainlink Operator's address at localhost:6688/config
    1. Update ethereum/scripts/fund-operator.js with the new address.
    2. Update ethereum/scripts/approve-operator.js with the new address.
  6. [Create the VRF key](#Create the keypair for the VRF)
    1. Update ethereum/contracts/RandomNumberConsumer.sol
  7. [Backup the Database](#Database Backup)
  8. Migrate updated contracts to Ganache: cd ethereum && npx truffle migrate --network ganache

Create the keypair for the VRF

$ docker exec $(docker ps -f name=lotto-buffalo_chainlink -q) chainlink local vrf create -p /run/secrets/node_password 

Created keypair.

Compressed public key (use this for interactions with the chainlink node):
Uncompressed public key (use this to register key with the VRFCoordinator):
Hash of public key (use this to request randomness from your consuming contract):

The following command will export the encrypted secret key from the db to <save_path>:

chainlink local vrf export -f <save_path> -pk 0x9b06b7f1a4faa9b05c5b2e31930fc137b87d5f9674725524ae01404a4a07dc6801

Retrieving the VRF keypair (using example above)

NOTE: There will be PostgreSQL errors about locking the database, but the VRF key will still be exported and the file created.

docker exec $(docker ps -f name=lotto-buffalo_chainlink -q) chainlink local vrf export \
  -f vrfkey.json \
  -pk 0x9b06b7f1a4faa9b05c5b2e31930fc137b87d5f9674725524ae01404a4a07dc6801

docker exec $(docker ps -f name=lotto-buffalo_chainlink -q) cat vrfkey.json > config/secrets/vrfkey.json

Database Backup

NOTE: The keystore file is store in the database and the backup file or volume needs to be removed if changing the nodes keystore credentials.

docker exec -t lotto-buffalo_db_1 sh -c 'pg_dumpall -c -U postgres'  > data/db/backup.sql

Chainklink CLI Example

Show current working directory

$ docker exec $(docker ps -f name=lotto-buffalo_chainlink -q) pwd

Get job lists

docker exec $(docker ps -f name=lotto-buffalo_ganache -q) chainlink jobs list -a /run/secrets/apicredentials

Available Accounts

id address balance
(0) 0x853A2b7C008f86b1643Df0434B93f9B3848e3E1e (100 ETH)
(1) 0x3F3759efCE42B885B15957bc6F0e56359A2D0d16 (100 ETH)
(2) 0xAc28183d2FD316077cC19FD719Ed474EA838e138 (100 ETH)
(3) 0xd21C526D2157e331A8Ce72E4b335FBF0934E3d24 (100 ETH)
(4) 0x1c3965144f82ffca8A398C6656fD891F77a8428F (100 ETH)
(5) 0xa3690F5999b55a5Fe2868259613321DEB7D3139a (100 ETH)
(6) 0xE7193955ec259A42063f39150a8F658A05a53663 (100 ETH)
(7) 0x2E666Fded78869692aa4f82694065D5DB832CEb9 (100 ETH)
(8) 0xE0AF9d030e4E4EED4Ef924542Aa6f93ab5a0323D (100 ETH)
(9) 0x7f142c45Cc711F649f4C5444A6c67225f87cC643 (100 ETH)
(10) 0xd38D56f78AAD29C31eFc9e4AC848Bd22B40d6f63 (100 ETH)
(11) 0xc92068625D54e8898cc9CAaf53A245c03407e610 (100 ETH)
(12) 0x5eAdd55A5C5e7AF5929AF6182716442e4D6843db (100 ETH)
(13) 0x48F885A0F5bAB3fC06D3EA213a07bCC9526E09C8 (100 ETH)
(14) 0x939E67dBE1416489c7F2E8cdB7C85b32C0F910c6 (100 ETH)
(15) 0xa90A6A2a7ea33dD4Df56fAc92324D87d72AD47Da (100 ETH)

Private Keys

id key
(0) 0x1634104fcd357f295ba00dba3fca170a494a43b7659a98c10e28e012ed04af0f
(1) 0xeb281c0dff24887a762df89a11a8302534640b7740f07125e85e487c74aad9c2
(2) 0xf2713aee16f3badb72294f653fa5801ed942db500739c17ea21b43089ac5a860
(3) 0xe09c1fd092dcbcc51f937037bf5970f81d317543f3a5aaefd7cca771937a9946
(4) 0x7156b8e4f87d4df9b3318a771ea7669f2f38fc4e3c2bbf5b46e0816d12e9e9d2
(5) 0x76f80fb3299860134f7bbdf40db58bcfc43603f2ac2c14881e99e584dc6099ef
(6) 0x95e0a720b3fe56154aeaf9e27725017174f44289b6d62ce72adb809023f16e32
(7) 0x663feddc2cdaf0c1a27a9413d4f38840ee98cf0fbf321a57d9254750430209f9
(8) 0x861a1e1e5f8fe4a120edef1a3199e60752b4010ac64174db9a7e055fbecc5f4f
(9) 0x3b8756c383f1893c728d636c170ec3eef8252adadd8f569f245b882023b2b515
(10) 0x7c8ae8a93c238062912cd000b9a385507399eb48ca73c5bf3b4e0f9a9985cda7
(11) 0x6b4881d7ffca35dea7371eb984861f95e1380276648bd3a10189ef90c100f3c7
(12) 0x15366a59d271f27e28932934a11c295900b19ba359559f81cc0a8a9660fd9169
(13) 0x2f8683727e2ed17c36801a7c7c9b9179c876559a22a6bc3d052d517d67006b74
(14) 0x35fc3779be762f8a921aa8bdeadd7ab98da0f341ceb4f80ee5427c9ba0f825c9
(15) 0x30f6411ca75a0fd138b848958322b3210b0f43687bdac20a8377382a553111cf

HD Wallet

Mnemonic: result soon dose birth swap lonely street staff course snack frog path Base HD Path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/{account_index}


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 61.7%Language:Solidity 27.1%Language:Vue 10.5%Language:Shell 0.7%