Routing Information Protocol version 1

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**********************RIPv1 Implementation***********************
********************Author: Gaurav Tungatkar*********************

Source Code Organization:
source files present in src directory

1)list.c implements a generic linked list which is used in routing table implementation

2)rip.c implements all key functionality of RIPv1- Includes 2 main modules
	a)input- called for input processing
	b)output- called for output processing

3)rip_simulation.c implements a simulation of RIPv1 by creating socket for RIP_PORT and calling input and output routines. Timer is spawned with callback as the output routine to generate periodic updates

4)mem.c implements memory management used in timer

5)timer.c implements timer routines

6)log.h defines logging functionality

7) executable takes 2 parametrs- neighbour file name & log file name

Neighbour file format-

IP addrs of neighbour terminated by $

How To Build & Run:
	1)makefile in obj directory
	2)To run
	./ripv1 neighbour log

The following code authored by
timer and mem management - Furquan Shaikh (furquan.m.shaikh@gmail.com)
log.h - Chinmay Kamat (chinmaykamat@gmail.com)

Immature coding style! :)


1)Problem Definition: To implement a routing protocol –RIPv1 and show the
working by simulating a few network nodes assuming some routing topology.

2)Description: RIP is an Interior Gateway Protocol used by routers. It is a
routing protocol based on the distance- vector algorithm.


        a) Each link has a cost of 1
                b)IP address of neighbours in neighbour file

                3.1) Data Structures:

                3.1.1) Routing Table    
                Routing Table is a linked list with one route entry per node.
                Each entry will be of following type

                struct route_entry {
                                listnode *lnode
                                struct in_addr destination;
                                uint32_t metric;
                                struct in_addr nexthop;
                                byte routechanged;              //route change   flag
                                void *timeout_tmr;
                                void *garbage_tmr 

Lnode: generic linked list pointer
Destination: IP address of the destination
Metric: Cost to reach destination
Nexthop: IP address of the next router on the path to destination
Routechanged: Will be set when route is updated
Timeout_tmr: Stores timer object of the timeout timer
Garbage_tmr: Stores timer object of the garbage timer

3.1.2) RIP message
A RIP message will have the header and variable numbers of rip_entries

struct rip_header {
                byte command;
                byte version;
                short int _zero;

Command: Either Request or Response
Version: IP version- IPv4 or IPv6

struct rip_entry {
                short int addrfamily;
                short int _zero;
                struct in_addr destination;
                uint32_t _zero1;
                uint32_t _zero2;
                uint32_t metric;

Addrfamily: currently only AF_INET is supported
Destination: IP address of destination
Metric: cost to reach destination

3.1.3) Neighbours File

IP address of neighbours must be written in a file. This file name is passed as
the first parameter to the executable.

Format of the file: IP address terminated by a $
Example :$$

3.1.4) Neighbour List

Neighbours of current node will be placed in a list of neighbour

struct neighbour {
                struct in_addr addr;

3.2) Modules

3.2.1) Init :
This module reads the Neighbours file and populates the neighbour linked list.
It also sends a request message to all its neighbours.
It also send a message with it’s own ip to it’s neighbours. This is needed when
a node was down and then comes up.

3.2.2) Input –
Module to do input processing.
Receive data from the RIP port and call appropriate processing function

There can be 2 types of messages:- Request and Response

A] Response message will handled by :
 int decode_response(struct in_addr from, char *data, int len)
                a) from – address from whom the response message has come
                b) data- data buffer received
                c) len- length of data received
                0 : on success  -1: error

This function will take the data buffer received on the port, the address of the
sender and the length of the data received.
It will make and update entries in routing table. Timers for
each route entry will be set/reset as maybe the case. In case of changes
to route table, send_update will be called to send triggered update.

B] Request message will be handled by :
int decode_request(struct in_addr from, char *data, int len)
        a) from – address from whom the response message has come
        b) data- data buffer received
        c) len- length of data received
        0 : on success  -1: error

This function will process a request message and call send_update to send an
update message to the requester.

3.2.3) Output
A timer will timeout after every 30 seconds and send_update will be called to
send regular updates. 

int send_update(int update_type)
        a) update_type- either triggered update or regular update
         0: success,  -1: error
This function will generate the appropriate type
of update – either triggered or regular. It will
send this update to all the addresses in the
neighbour list. TO generate regular update
message , construct_regular_update function is

3.3) Timer Description:

When an entry is updated or newly added in route
table, a timer with interval 30 sec(timeout_tmr)
is started. If the timer times out, that entry is made invalid and
another timer is started for 120 sec(garbage_tmr). If this timer also
times out, that entry is deleted.
Callback functions for both timers are implemented. 

3.4) CLI Description:
CLI currently provides option for add route and display route table. 
CLI runs in a separate thread.

         1]add route:  It will ask for following from the user

        2]show route table


Routing Information Protocol version 1


Language:C 98.5%Language:Makefile 1.5%