GKARLOZ / Solvd_Carina_Project

Testing Framework for PetStore.com. Using the All-in-one Carina Framework composed of Selenium, Appium, TestNG, etc. Including Docker compose for parallel testing using Selenium Grid. Easy to setup using Jenkins

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πŸ”¬ Solvd_Carina_Project ❗

Multibrowser testing using Selenium Grid with Docker containers. The bat files sets up the selenium grid using containers and removes the containers as well.

Steps: ❗


  • Make sure you have Docker running in your machine before executing this code.


  • Clone this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/GKARLOZ/Solvd_Carina_Project.git


  • go to the /to/path/Solvd_Carina_Project directory and run

    mvn clean test

Process when executing mvn clean test: πŸš€

  • Maven initiates the execution of the TestNG xml file, named WebTestParallel.xml.
  • Within this file, the first class, Setup_DockerGrid, triggers the @BeforeTest method.
  • The @BeforeTest method subsequently runs the start_dockergrid.bat script to execute the predefined commands.
  • Inside the start_dockergrid.bat script, a docker-compose.yml file is executed.
  • This docker-compose operation sets up containers for the Selenium grid and multiple nodes, each with distinct environments.
  • Once the @BeforeTest method completes its tasks, the tests DesktopChromeWebTest and DesktopFireFoxWebTest run in parallel, each within its own container.
  • Upon test completion, the @AfterTest method comes into play, removing all active containers and terminals. πŸš€

API Testing with Facebook's Graph API:

  • API testing to perform operations such as POST, GET, and DELETE against Facebook's Graph API.
  • This meticulous API testing ensures that our backend services are functioning seamlessly and that data interactions are consistent.

Web Testing with Selenium and TestNG:

  • Includes the utilization of data providers for diverse test scenarios, soft assert techniques to capture failures without halting test execution, and the creation of reusable page objects.
  • This approach guarantees the reliability and functionality of web tests.

Mobile Testing with Appium, Android Studio, and Appium Inspector:

  • Detailed testing on mobile applications, ensuring compatibility with various Android devices and versions.
  • Appium Inspector for inspecting mobile app elements and guaranteeing smooth user experiences on mobile platforms.

Parallel testing using Selenium Grid with Docker:

  • Executing the mvn test command executes the test suit with parallel testing.
  • The bat files sets up the selenium grid using containers and removes the containers as well.

Jenkins (CI)

  • Thanks to bat files and docker compose file, it is easy to setup this project on Jenkins
  • Set up your Jenkins jobs to clone the repository and run the "mvn clean test" command.


  • Carina Framework: https://zebrunner.github.io/carina/

  • Carina is a Java-based test automation framework that unites all testing layers: Mobile applications (web, native, hybrid), WEB applications, Windows applications, REST services, Databases.


Testing Framework for PetStore.com. Using the All-in-one Carina Framework composed of Selenium, Appium, TestNG, etc. Including Docker compose for parallel testing using Selenium Grid. Easy to setup using Jenkins


Language:Java 99.4%Language:Batchfile 0.6%