GJDuck / e9afl

AFL binary instrumentation

Repository from Github https://github.comGJDuck/e9aflRepository from Github https://github.comGJDuck/e9afl

E9AFL --- Binary AFL

E9AFL inserts American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) instrumentation into x86_64 Linux binaries. This allows binaries to be fuzzed without the need for recompilation.

E9AFL uses E9Patch to insert the AFL instrumentation via static binary rewriting.


Pre-built packages for E9AFL can be downloaded here:


To build E9AFL, simply run the build.sh script:

    $ ./build.sh

To build the Debian package, simply run the install.sh script:

    $ ./install.sh


First, install afl-fuzz:

    $ sudo apt-get install afl

To use E9AFL, simply run the command:

    $ ./e9afl /path/to/binary

This will generate an AFL-instrumented binary.afl which can be used with afl-fuzz.

For more information on tool usage, see the man page:

    $ man -l doc/e9afl.l


To fuzz the binutils readelf program:

    $ ./e9afl readelf
    $ mkdir -p input
    $ mkdir -p output
    $ head -n 1 `which ls` > input/exe
    $ afl-fuzz -m none -i input/ -o output/ -- ./readelf.afl -a @@

If all goes well the output should look something like this:

AFL example

Detecting Memory Errors with RedFat

E9AFL can be combined with RedFat for enhanced memory error detection during fuzzing. RedFat detects memory errors (bounds overflows and use-after-free) that would not otherwise crash the program.

To enable, first install RedFat v0.3.0:

Next, pass the --redfat option into E9AFL:

    $ ./e9afl --redfat readelf

This will instrument the binary with both AFL and RedFat instrumentation.

To use, preload the libredfat.so runtime library into AFL:

    $ AFL_PRELOAD=/usr/share/redfat/libredfat.so afl-fuzz -m none -i input/ -o output/ -- ./readelf.afl -a @@


Some instrumented binaries may crash during AFL initialization:

    PROGRAM ABORT : Fork server crashed ...

This is often caused by an insufficient memory limit. See AFL's -m option for more information.

Further Reading


Please report bugs here.




AFL binary instrumentation

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 70.0%Language:C 15.5%Language:Shell 14.5%