G1enB1and / Linux-Server-Configuration

Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Section 5 Project

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Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Section 5 Project.

Project Overview

In this project I create an Amazon Web Services Lightsail instance, start with a basic linux distribution (Ubuntu 16.04), install web and database services (Apache2, sqlite) and app dependencies (Python 2.7, Flask 1.0.2, wsgimod, and others), secure the server from a variety of attack vectors (update, set user permissions, configure firewalls (ufw and aws), change ssh port, create private / public key pair, and more. Finally deploy the app I made in Project 3. This step also involved updating google's oauth 2.0 credentials for google login from a new public domain.


The grader will need the private key to log in via ssh. I will include the contents of the private key in the comments box when submitting my project for grading. The password to the private key will also be in the comments to grader box. In addition, he or she will need the public static IP, which is ( and ssh port number (2200).


Users may now access the app I made in project 3 by visiting http://glenallin.com The deployment of this app
to the server I configured here for project 5 removes the previous
requirements and instructions for setting up to run the app locally. Now It is as simple as navigating to the url above.

Instructions to grader

copy the contents of the comments to grader box and paste them into a new file to be used as the private key. Save this file as "grader" inside .ssh folder. Of course the file name and location can be changed, but that will match my example below. If you chose a different name or location just adjust below as needed. Finally, open your terminal of choice. I use gitbash. Type '''ssh -i .ssh/grader grader@ -p 2200''' where .ssh/grader matches the location and name of the private key file you made above.

Software Installed and Configuration Changes Made

$ ssh ubuntu@ -i .ssh/LightsailDefaultKey-us-east-1.pem

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get upgrade

$ sudo apt-get autoremove

Install Finger:
$ sudo apt-get install finger

Add User (grader):
$ sudo adduser --home /home/grader --shell /bin/bash --ingroup admin grader
password: grader (will get removed later)

Switch to the root user
$ sudo su
Add a password for that user
$ passwd

Enable sudo for grader:
$ sudo touch /etc/sudoers.d/grader
$ sudo nano /etc/sudoers.d/grader
Add the following line:
"grader ALL=(ALL) ALL"
write and quit (ctrl o, enter, ctrl x)

Switch to new user:
$ su grader

Switch to the users home directory:
$ cd /home/grader/

Generate Keys:
$ ssh-keygen -b4096 -f grader -t rsa
password: grad3r

Make a .ssh folder inside the user folder:
$ mkdir .ssh

Set permission for owner of file to read, write, and execute:
$ chmod 700 .ssh

Store public key in authorized keys file:
$ cat grader.pub > .ssh/authorized_keys

Set permission for owner to read and write to the file:
$ chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys

Set the owner to grader and the group to admin:
$ sudo chown grader:admin .ssh

Set the owner to grader and the group to admin:
$ sudo chown grader:admin .ssh/authorized_keys

Copy User:
sudo rsync -avr grader /home/ubuntu/

Set Permissions:
$ sudo chmod 777 /home/ubuntu/grader

---------------------- Switch to Local Terminal ----------------------

Copy the key "" from your AWS Server:
scp -i .ssh/LightsailDefaultKey-us-east-1.pem

ubuntu@ .ssh/grader

Set permissions so that owner can read
$ chmod 400 .ssh/grader

Login as grader using private key:
$ ssh -i .ssh/grader grader@
password: grad3r

test sudo:
$ sudo su
[sudo] password for grader:

Forcing Key Based Authentication: (this was already set)

edit sshd_config:
$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
change "PasswordAuthentication yes" to no.
write file and exit.
restart to ssh service:
$ sudo service ssh restart

Remove password from grader: (this could have been done earlier when adding grader)
$ sudo nano /etc/sudoers.d/grader
change the following line from
"grader ALL=(ALL) ALL" to "grader ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"
write file and exit
login as root:
$ sudo su
edit visudo:
$ visudo
change the following line from
"grader ALL=(ALL) ALL" to "grader ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"
write file and exit
exit root:
$ exit

Change SSH port 22 to custom port 2200:
add custom TCP port 2200 in AWS Lightsail Networking settings for

Configure the Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) as follows:
only allow incoming connections for SSH port 2200, HTTP port 80, and
NTP port 123. (see steps below).

Make sure UFW is inactive before configuring it:
$ sudo ufw status
Output: status: inactive

Set default to deny all incoming
$ sudo ufw default deny incoming

Set default to allow all outgoing
$ sudo ufw default allow outgoing

Allow SSH:
$ sudo ufw allow ssh

Allow SSH on port 2200:
$ sudo ufw allow 2200/tcp

Allow WWW
$ sudo ufw allow www

Allow port 8000 (for app)
$ sudo ufw allow 8000

Allow Apache to redirect from 80 to 8000
$ sudo ufw allow 'Apache Full'

Enable UFW $ sudo ufw enable

Check Status
$ sudo ufw status

Edit sshd_config

$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
added Port 2200 below Port 22
write file and exit (ctrl o, enter, ctrl x)
reboot server

Login using port 2200
$ ssh -i .ssh/grader grader@ -p 2200

Now that port 2200 is working, Remove port 22

$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Remove Port 22
write file and exit (ctrl o, enter, ctrl x)

Remove SSH Port 22 from AWS Lightsail Networking settings. Reboot server

$ sudo ufw allow ntp $ sudo ufw deny 22

Login using port 2200
$ ssh -i .ssh/grader grader@ -p 2200

Install Apache $ sudo apt-get install apache2

Now going to in a browser shows the Apache2 landing page.

Install mod_wsgi to serve Python 2.7
$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi

skipping testing that was done here as it is long and not necessary for the end result. You can see everything I did in the notes files.

Install PostgreSQL
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
Login to postgresql as default user $ sudo -u postgres psql Create catalog user postgres=# CREATE USER catalog WITH PASSWORD ‘mypassword’; postgres=# ALTER USER catalog CREATEDB; Create catalog database postgres=# CREATE DATABASE catalog WITH OWNER catalog; postgres=# \c catalog catalog=# REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM public; catalog=# GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO catalog; catalog=# \q

Install dependencies:
$ sudo apt install python-pip
$ pip install Flask
$ pip install sqlalchemy
$ pip install oath2client
$ pip install requests

Setup venv virtual environment:
$ cd /var/www/FlaskApp
$ sudo pip install virtualenv
$ sudo virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ sudo pip install Flask
$ pip install sqlalchemy
$ pip install oauth2client
$ pip install requests

Install git
$ sudo apt-get install git

Configure git for first time use:
$ git config --global user.name "G1enB1and"
$ git config --global user.email "glen.bland.81@gmail.com"
$ git config --global color.ui auto
$ git config --global merge.conflictstyle diff3
$ git config --list

Clone my git repository for project 3's catalog app:
$ sudo mkdir /home/ubuntu/gitrepo $ cd /home/ubuntu/gitrepo $ sudo git clone https://github.com/G1enB1and/fullstack-nanodegree-vm catalog

Move, rename, or delete default and test pages.
$ cd /var/www/html
$ sudo mv index.html apache2index.html
$ sudo mv myapp.wsgi helloworld.wsgi

Move files so new location is not a git repository
$ sudo mv /home/ubuntu/gitrepo/catalog/vagrant/catalog /var/www/FlaskApp/FlaskApp/

Create flaskapp.wsgi
$ sudo touch /var/www/FlaskApp/flaskapp.wsgi
$ sudo nano /var/www/FlaskApp/flaskapp.wsgi


import sys import logging

logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr) sys.path.insert(0,"/var/www/FlaskApp/")

from FlaskApp import app as application application.secret_key = "redacted"

write file and exit (ctrl o, enter, ctrl x)

Create FlaskApp.conf in sites-available
$ cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
$ sudo touch FlaskApp.conf
$ sudo nano FlaskApp.conf

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName glenallin.com ServerAdmin glen@glenbland.com

	WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/FlaskApp/flaskapp.wsgi

	<Directory /var/www/FlaskApp/FlaskApp>
		Require all granted

	Alias /static /var/www/FlaskApp/FlaskApp/static

	<Directory /var/www/FlaskApp/FlaskApp/static>
		Require all granted

	ErrorLog /var/www/FlaskApp/error.log
            LogLevel warn
            CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

Write file and exit (ctrl o, enter, ctrl x)
Restart apache2
$ sudo service apache2 restart

Enable site
$ sudo a2ensite catalog

Enable Proxy
$ sudo a2enmod proxy && sudo a2enmod proxy_http

Disable default site
$ sudo a2dissite 000-default
$ sudo systemctl restart apache2

Check Apache files for any syntax errors:
$ sudo apache2ctl configtest
Syntax OK

Restart server
$ sudo systemctl restart apache2
$ sudo apache2ctl restart

Set Permissions
$ sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www
$ sudo chmod 755 /var/www/FlaskApp/venv/
and all other directories $ sudo chmod 756 /var/www/FlaskApp/FlaskApp/static/us3r_pic_1.jpg and all other files

$ sudo chown www-data:www-data all files and directories in project

Edit python code in the following ways:
Change sqlite to postgresql in engine for init.py, database_setup.py, and populate_catalog.py
Change relative paths to full path in unix form.
This had to be done for path to database, user pic location, and client_secrets.json
Change all instances of user/User to something else, because that is reserved for psql and will cause errors.
I used us3r instead.
this also needed to be done in show-item.html and for us3r_pic_1.jpg for consistency.

Web App is now fully functional and can be accessed by browsing to glenallin.com

Third Party Resources Used

I registered glenallin.com with Dreamhost, created a DNS Zone in AWS Lightsail, used the following Nameservers provided by my Lightsail DNS Zone:
instead of the default nameservers in Dreamhost.

Added a record in the Lightsail DNS records to point @.glenallin.com to Udacity-StaticIp-Virginia-1 (My Lightsail Instance) note that @. in the subdomain field means no subdomain, but rather the main domain glenallin.com.

I also used the Google Developer Console to provide my app with oauth 2.0 login via google functionality. I added glenallin.com as my top level domain for oauth credentials and added http://glenallin.com/gconnect and http://glenallin.com/login under authorized redirects. I saved my new client_secrets.json file to the appropriate directory on the server with my app.

In the AWS Lightsail Networking tab under firewall I added custom tcp port 2200 and 8000 and removed ssh 22 (after setting up 2200)


MIT Licesne found here


Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Section 5 Project

License:MIT License