G-SPASE / urban-mapping-project

Urban Mapping Project wiki

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Urban Mapping Project wiki

GitHub repositories

Project overview

Data collection in Yangon

  • Road Network and building boundary data collection (existing)
  • Road network, building boundary, POI collection from OSM
  • SNS data and Geo-tagged photo collection
  • Satellite imagery collection and processing (Yamamoto with the shared tool)

Data validation

  • Transportation network data assessment tool for connectivity and error estimation

Modules / tools

  • Road network creation from OSM - Upload to GitHub
  • Download imagery - Shell script (args: two xy coordinates) - [x] Documentation - [x] Share tool
  • Detect vehicles - Input: tiff - Output: Image, vehicle positions, georeferenced point - [x] Documentation and sample input and output - [x] Geo-referenced result
  • Detect clusters of vehicle and transportation network - Road network (OSM) - Unit density (km/km^2) = Line length / spatial unit - (Accessibility (km/km^2) = Total distance accessible in one hour)
    • Vehicle detection
      • Number of vehicle (N/km^2)
    • Building detection
    • Area of Buildings
  • Route API between POIs - Documentation - (Product)
  • Web client application

Applications for urban problems

  • OSM transportation network data quality assessment tool


Urban Mapping Project wiki