Futarimiti / vieo

NeoView-fork focused on extensibility and maintainability

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Save and restore views across sessions plus huge customisation


  • Auto save and restore views across sessions for approriate buffers
  • Command ClearViews for clearing views
  • Great user control


-- lazy.nvim
return { 'Futarimiti/vieo', opts = {} }


See here for full configuration, including docs, types and defaults for each option.

Common issues

If you use <C-C> to exit insert mode, you may sometimes see a keyboard interrupt error like this:

Error detected while processing BufWinLeave Autocommands for "*":
Error executing lua callback: <path/to/vieo>/lua/vieo/actions.lua:55: Keyboard interrupt
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function '__index'
	/Users/futar/.config/nvim/dev/vieo/lua/vieo/actions.lua:55: in function 'builtin_rule'
	/Users/futar/.config/nvim/dev/vieo/lua/vieo/actions.lua:70: in function 'should_save'
	/Users/futar/.config/nvim/dev/vieo/lua/vieo/autocmd.lua:21: in function <<path/to/vieo>/lua/vieo/autocmd.lua:20>

This is not a problem with vieo, but rather with Neovim's API. See this issue for more details.


  • Robert Sears, for the original plugin
  • Bram Moolenaar, for having this in :h loadview
    au BufWinLeave *.c mkview
    au BufWinEnter *.c silent! loadview
    Who could imagine what used to only take two lines becomes such a complex thing?


NeoView-fork focused on extensibility and maintainability


Language:Lua 100.0%