Furkanzmc / options.nvim

A small library to create custom options

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A small library to create custom options for your plugins or your configuration. You can use this library to expose the configuration of your plugins using :help Set and :help Setlocal commands, or create an option that will set multiple Vim options in return (e.g see the example below.).



local options = require "options"

    name = "indentsize",
    default = 4,
    type_info = "number",
    source = "buffers",
    buffer_local = true

options.register_callback("indentsize", function()
    local isize = options.get_option_value('indentsize',
    cmd(string.format("setlocal tabstop=%s softtabstop=%s shiftwidth=%s", isize,
                      isize, isize))

    name = "scratchpad",
    default = false,
    type_info = "boolean",
    source = "options",
    buffer_local = true

options.register_callback("scratchpad", function()
    bo[bufnr].buftype = "nofile"
    bo[bufnr].bufhidden = "hide"
    bo[bufnr].swapfile = false
    bo[bufnr].buflisted = true
    cmd("file scratchpad-" .. s_scratch_buffer_count)

Modeline Support

You can use modeline support to set file specific options:

# modeline_test.yaml
    name: John
    last_name: Doe

# nvim-options: Setlocal indentsize=4

You need to manually call options.set_modeline(bufnr) for this to work.

cmd [[autocmd BufReadPost modeline_test.yaml :lua require"options".set_modeline(vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf())]]

Migrating from global variable based configuration

If your plugin/config is using global variables for configuration, you can use options.nvim to sync the variable and the option so you can ease your transition to using options.nvim.

This gives you the ability to use the benefits of options.nvim without introducing breaking changes.

When registering your options, use target_variable field to indicate which variable you want to sync your option with. When this field is set, whenever the global variable changes the callback for the associated option will be run and the value of the option will be the same as the global variable. Or if the option changes, the value of the global variable will be updated to the value of the option.


local options = require "options"

    name = "indentsize",
    default = 4,
    type_info = "number",
    source = "buffers",
    global = true, -- This can also be a global option.

options.register_callback("indentsize", function()
    local isize = options.get_option_value('indentsize',
    cmd(string.format("setlocal tabstop=%s softtabstop=%s shiftwidth=%s", isize,
                      isize, isize))
" Prints the default value 4
:Setlocal indentsize

" Sets the indent size to 32
:let b:myplugin_indentsize=32

" Prints the new value 32
:Setlocal indentsize

" Sets the indent size to 4
:Setlocal indentsize=4

" Prints the new value 4
:let b:myplugin_indentsize


A small library to create custom options

License:The Unlicense


Language:Lua 98.5%Language:Vim Script 1.5%