Furgas / reactphp-block

Lightweight library that eases using components built for ReactPHP in a traditional, blocking environment.

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Lightweight library that eases integrating async components built for ReactPHP in a traditional, blocking environment.

ReactPHP provides you a great set of base components and a huge ecosystem of third party libraries in order to perform async operations. The event-driven paradigm and asynchronous processing of any number of streams in real time enables you to build a whole new set of application on top of it. This is great for building modern, scalable applications from scratch and will likely result in you relying on a whole new software architecture.

But let's face it: Your day-to-day business is unlikely to allow you to build everything from scratch and ditch your existing production environment. This is where this library comes into play:

Let's block ReactPHP More specifically, this library eases the pain of integrating async components into your traditional, synchronous (blocking) application stack.

Table of contents

Quickstart example

The following example code demonstrates how this library can be used along with an async HTTP client to process two non-blocking HTTP requests and block until the first (faster) one resolves.

function blockingExample()
    // use a unique event loop instance for all parallel operations
    $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
    // this example uses an HTTP client
    // this could be pretty much everything that binds to an event loop
    $browser = new Clue\React\Buzz\Browser($loop);
    // set up two parallel requests
    $request1 = $browser->get('http://www.google.com/');
    $request2 = $browser->get('http://www.google.co.uk/');
    // keep the loop running (i.e. block) until the first response arrives
    $fasterResponse = Block\awaitAny(array($request1, $request2), $loop);
    return $fasterResponse->getBody();


This lightweight library consists only of a few simple functions. All functions reside under the Clue\React\Block namespace.

The below examples assume you use an import statement similar to this:

use Clue\React\Block;


Alternatively, you can also refer to them with their fully-qualified name:



Each function is responsible for orchestrating the EventLoop in order to make it run (block) until your conditions are fulfilled.

$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();


The sleep($seconds, LoopInterface $loop) method can be used to wait/sleep for $time seconds.

Block\sleep(1.5, $loop);

The $time value will be used as a timer for the loop so that it keeps running until the timeout triggers. This implies that if you pass a really small (or negative) value, it will still start a timer and will thus trigger at the earliest possible time in the future.

While this may look similar to PHP's sleep() function, it's actual way more powerful: Instead of making the whole process sleep and handing over control to your operating system, this function actually executes the loop in the meantime. This is particularly useful if you've attached more async tasks to the same loop instance. If there are no other (async) tasks, this will behave similar to sleep().


The await(PromiseInterface $promise, LoopInterface $loop, $timeout = null) function can be used to block waiting for the given $promise to resolve.

$result = Block\await($promise, $loop);

Once the promise is resolved, this will return whatever the promise resolves to.

Once the promise is rejected, this will throw whatever the promise rejected with. If the promise did not reject with an Exception, then this function will throw an UnexpectedValueException instead.

try {
    $value = Block\await($promise, $loop);
    // promise successfully fulfilled with $value
    echo 'Result: ' . $value;
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    // promise rejected with $exception
    echo 'ERROR: ' . $exception->getMessage();

If no $timeout is given and the promise stays pending, then this will potentially wait/block forever until the promise is settled.

If a $timeout is given and the promise is still pending once the timeout triggers, this will cancel() the promise and throw a TimeoutException. This implies that if you pass a really small (or negative) value, it will still start a timer and will thus trigger at the earliest possible time in the future.


The awaitAny(array $promises, LoopInterface $loop, $timeout = null) function can be used to wait for ANY of the given promises to resolve.

$promises = array(

$firstResult = Block\awaitAny($promises, $loop);

echo 'First result: ' . $firstResult;

Once the first promise is resolved, this will try to cancel() all remaining promises and return whatever the first promise resolves to.

If ALL promises fail to resolve, this will fail and throw an Exception.

If no $timeout is given and either promise stays pending, then this will potentially wait/block forever until the first promise is settled.

If a $timeout is given and either promise is still pending once the timeout triggers, this will cancel() all pending promises and throw a TimeoutException. This implies that if you pass a really small (or negative) value, it will still start a timer and will thus trigger at the earliest possible time in the future.


The awaitAll(array $promises, LoopInterface $loop, $timeout = null) function can be used to wait for ALL of the given promises to resolve.

$promises = array(

$allResults = Block\awaitAll($promises, $loop);

echo 'First promise resolved with: ' . $allResults[0];

Once the last promise resolves, this will return an array with whatever each promise resolves to. Array keys will be left intact, i.e. they can be used to correlate the return array to the promises passed.

If ANY promise fails to resolve, this will try to cancel() all remaining promises and throw an Exception. If the promise did not reject with an Exception, then this function will throw an UnexpectedValueException instead.

If no $timeout is given and either promise stays pending, then this will potentially wait/block forever until the last promise is settled.

If a $timeout is given and either promise is still pending once the timeout triggers, this will cancel() all pending promises and throw a TimeoutException. This implies that if you pass a really small (or negative) value, it will still start a timer and will thus trigger at the earliest possible time in the future.


The recommended way to install this library is through Composer. New to Composer?

This project follows SemVer. This will install the latest supported version:

$ composer require clue/block-react:^1.3

See also the CHANGELOG for details about version upgrades.

This project aims to run on any platform and thus does not require any PHP extensions and supports running on legacy PHP 5.3 through current PHP 7+ and HHVM. It's highly recommended to use PHP 7+ for this project.


To run the test suite, you first need to clone this repo and then install all dependencies through Composer:

$ composer install

To run the test suite, go to the project root and run:

$ php vendor/bin/phpunit


This project is released under the permissive MIT license.

Did you know that I offer custom development services and issuing invoices for sponsorships of releases and for contributions? Contact me (@clue) for details.


Lightweight library that eases using components built for ReactPHP in a traditional, blocking environment.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%