Furgas / php-soap-react

A simple, async SOAP webservice client, built on top of React PHP

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A simple, async SOAP web service client library, built on top of React PHP.

Most notably, SOAP is often used for invoking Remote procedure calls (RPCs) in distributed systems. Internally, SOAP messages are encoded as XML and usually sent via HTTP POST requests. For the most part, SOAP (originally Simple Object Access protocol) is a protocol of the past, and in fact anything but simple. It is still in use by many (often legacy) systems.

This project provides a simple API for invoking async RPCs to remote web services.

  • Async execution of functions - Send any number of functions (RPCs) to the remote web service in parallel and process their responses as soon as results come in. The Promise-based design provides a sane interface to working with out of bound responses.
  • Async processing of the WSDL - The WSDL (web service description language) file will be downloaded and processed in the background.
  • Event-driven core - Internally, everything uses event handlers to react to incoming events, such as an incoming RPC result.
  • Lightweight, SOLID design - Provides a thin abstraction that is just good enough and does not get in your way. Built on top of tested components instead of re-inventing the wheel.
  • Good test coverage - Comes with an automated tests suite and is regularly tested against actual web services in the wild

Table of contents

Note: This project is in beta stage! Feel free to report any issues you encounter.

Quickstart example

Once installed, you can use the following code to query an example web service via SOAP:

$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$factory = new Factory($loop);
$wsdl = 'http://example.com/demo.wsdl';

$factory->createClient($wsdl)->then(function (Client $client) {
    $api = new Proxy($client);

    $api->getBank(array('blz' => '12070000'))->then(function ($result) {
        var_dump('Result', $result);


See also the examples.



The Factory class is responsible for fetching the WSDL file once and constructing the Client instance. It also registers everything with the main EventLoop.

$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$factory = new Factory($loop);

If you need custom DNS or proxy settings, you can explicitly pass a custom Browser instance:

$browser = new Clue\React\Buzz\Browser($loop);
$factory = new Factory($loop, $browser);


The createClient($wsdl) method can be used to download the WSDL at the given URL into memory and create a new Client.

    function (Client $client) {
        // client ready
    function (Exception $e) {
        // an error occured while trying to download the WSDL


The createClientFromWsdl($wsdlContents) method works similar to createClient(), but leaves you the responsibility to load the WSDL file. This allows you to use local WSDL files, for instance.


The Client class is responsible for communication with the remote SOAP WebService server.

If you want to call RPC functions, see below for the Proxy class.

Note: It's recommended (and easier) to wrap the Client in a Proxy instance. All public methods of the Client are considered advanced usage.


The soapCall($method, $arguments) method can be used to queue the given function to be sent via SOAP and wait for a response from the remote web service.

Note: This is considered advanced usage, you may want to look into using the Proxy instead.


The getFunctions() method returns an array of functions defined in the WSDL. It returns the equivalent of PHP's SoapClient::__getFunctions().


The getTypes() method returns an array of types defined in the WSDL. It returns the equivalent of PHP's SoapClient::__getTypes().


The getLocation($function) method can be used to return the location (URI) of the given webservice $function.

Note that this is not to be confused with the WSDL file location. A WSDL file can contain any number of function definitions. It's very common that all of these functions use the same location definition. However, technically each function can potentially use a different location.

The $function parameter should be a string with the the SOAP function name. See also getFunctions() for a list of all available functions.

For easier access, this function also accepts a numeric function index. It then uses getFunctions() internally to get the function name for the given index. This is particularly useful for the very common case where all functions use the same location and accessing the first location is sufficient.

assert('http://example.com/soap/service' == $client->getLocation('echo'));
assert('http://example.com/soap/service' == $client->getLocation(0));

Passing a $function not defined in the WSDL file will throw a SoapFault.


The Proxy class wraps an existing Client instance in order to ease calling SOAP functions.

$proxy = new Proxy($client);


Each and every method call to the Proxy class will be sent via SOAP.

$proxy->myMethod($myArg1, $myArg2)->then(function ($response) {
    // result received

Please refer to your WSDL or its accompanying documentation for details on which functions and arguments are supported.


Issuing SOAP functions is async (non-blocking), so you can actually send multiple RPC requests in parallel. The web service will respond to each request with a return value. The order is not guaranteed. Sending requests uses a Promise-based interface that makes it easy to react to when a request is fulfilled (i.e. either successfully resolved or rejected with an error):

    function ($response) {
        // response received for demo function
    function (Exception $e) {
        // an error occured while executing the request


The recommended way to install this library is through composer. New to composer?

    "require": {
        "clue/soap-react": "~0.1.0"




A simple, async SOAP webservice client, built on top of React PHP

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%