Froguard / json-toy

json-treeify: convert json to tree string for displaying(use link chars like├└ ─ )

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json-toy (json-treeify)

Stable version(>=1.0.0); Recommended version (>=2.0.0)

Some simple methods for operating object as json in an easy way

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  • 1.jt.treeify(jsonObj1)   or    $ jts ./path/1.json (cmd line)   convert a jsonObj to a tree-like string to print out


    $ jts -d or $ j-tree-str -d convert a file directory to tree string, and some diy in github-issues by diy-theme

    image   image

  • 2.convert directory to json obj and tree-structure-string

  • 3.jtls show directories like cmd ls, but in a tree string like

  • 4.Simple none dependencies, except use cli (need copy-paste, yargs)

  • 5.Cross platform nix(linx,mac-Osx) and windows, support for multiple browsers(IE9+)

  • 6.jt.travelJson(jsonObj,cb)   Safe recursive walk of a jsonObj,even though obj is circular!

  • 7.jt.getValByKeyPath(jsonObj,'x.y.z.1.2') <=> jsonObj.x.y.z[1][2]

  • 8.jt.checkCircular(obj) check the obj,and return some useful info


$ npm install json-toy -g
$ jtls

Or if you haven't use the npm,you can do like this ,add json-treeify.min.js or json-treeify.min.js-on-cdn-resource just 3.6kb

<script src=""></script>
    let treeify = window.jsonTreeify;
    let testData = {
        a: 1,
        b: {
            c: "hello world"

The core file has no dependencies,and just 3.6kb size;


Feature1. json treeify

convert a json to tree string,you can set options like space(hoz and vert),need output val,root name,max depth in convert directory.

and there is two ways to use:

  1. use jt.treeify(jsonObj,options) to convert json to tree-string

  2. use cmd line $ jts (or j-tree-str) your/json/file.json (Recommend)

A tree string convert from string which typed in cmd line

$ jts '{a:1,b:{d:2},e:3,}'
$ jtls
   ├─ a: 1
   ├─ b
   │   │
   │   └─ d: 2
   └─ e: 3

A tree string convert from my package.json

$ jts ./package.json


$ j-tree-str ./package.json
   ├─ .gitignore
   ├─ .npmignore
   ├─ .travis.yml
   ├─ bin /
   │  └─ j-tree-str.js
   ├─ coverage /
   │  ├─ coverage.json
   │  ├─ lcov-report /
   │  │  ├─ base.css


   └─ webpack.config.js

jsonToy.treeify(jsonObj),support multiple primitive type

image => image

Online Parser:


Feature2. get property 's value by key-path

let jt = require("json-toy");
let jsonObj = {
       "w":[ 0,1,2,["a","b","c"] ]
console.log(jt.getValByKeyPath(jsonObj,"x.y.z"));// "hello,world!"
console.log(jt.getValByKeyPath(jsonObj,"x.w.3.1"));// "b"

If property name include '.' like 'a.b.c'

  "a.b.c": 1

You can get it by a trans char set

&bull; ←→ .

jt.getValByKeyPath(jsonObj,"a&bull;b&bull;c");// ←→ jsonObj["a.b.c"]

and &amp; ←→ &

  "&bull;": 1,
  "&amp;": 2,
  "&": 3
jt.getValByKeyPath(jsonObj,"&amp;bull;");// ←→ jsonObj["&bull;"]
jt.getValByKeyPath(jsonObj,"&amp;amp;");// ←→ jsonObj["&amp;"]
jt.getValByKeyPath(jsonObj,"&amp;");// ←→ jsonObj["&"]

Feature3. travelJson (recursion)

A safe travel method to recursive walk of a obj,even though a circular obj.

function doTravel(key, value, {keyPath, type, isSpreadable, depth}){
    //let parentPropObj = this;
    console.log(`keyPath = '${keyPath}'\
      ,\nkey = '${key}'\
      ,\ntype = ${type}\
      ,\nisSpreadable = ${isSpreadable}\
      ,\ndepth = ${depth}\
      ,\nvalue = ${(JSON.stringify(value,null,2)||String(value))}`);
let keyPathsArr = jt.travelJson(jsonObj,doTravel,"jsonObj");

Feature4. check the circular obj

let json = {
json.d.e.g = json.d.e;
json.d.e.h = json;
let res = jt.checkCircular(json);
// console.log(res);

you can get some useful information from res:

  "isCircular": true,
  "circularProps": [
      "keyPath": "ROOT.d.e.g",
      "circularTo": "ROOT.d.e",
      "key": "g",
      "value": "[Circular->ROOT.d.e]"
      "keyPath": "ROOT.d.e.h",
      "circularTo": "ROOT",
      "key": "h",
      "value": "[Circular->ROOT]"

Feature5(only node supports!). convert a directory to json obj

// use just only in node
let travelDir = require('json-toy/lib/cli/walk-dir');
let dirJson = travelDir("./",{
    exclude: {
        file: /(Thumbs\.db|\.DS_store)/g,
        directory: /(\.git|\.svn|\.idea|node_modules|bower_components)/g,
        outExcludeDir: true // need output exclude directory
  "css": {
    "reset.css": "file"
  "img": {
    "btn.png": "file"
  "js": {
    "lib": {
      "lib.js": "file"
    "main.js": "file"
  "node_modules": {},// options.exclude.outExcludeDir == true
  "package.json": "file",
  "test.js": "file"


$ jts help


  • $ jts xx.json : the distance in command-print-out:


    don't worry ,'d1' is equal to 'd2' actually, The reason why u've saw difference is that the char ' ' width is shorter than other chars in command prompt

  • copy-paste-feature,json-toy used system shell command line to exec copy,so you may get some string pre space char '' was removed by sys. if you paste in a *.js this

        ├─ w
           └─ x
               └─ y: 1
        └─ w2
        └─ xxx: 1

    eh...You'd better paste in a text file like *.md or *.txt or others ext

        ├─ w
        │   │   
        │   └─ x
        │       │   
        │       └─ y: 1
        └─ w2
            └─ xxx: 1


json-treeify: convert json to tree string for displaying(use link chars like├└ ─ )

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 60.2%Language:JavaScript 37.7%Language:CSS 2.1%