Frognar / dotResult

dotResult is a lightweight and intuitive implementation of the Result monad for the .NET platform. It simplifies error handling and value propagation in a functional way, improving code readability and safety.

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dotResult - The Result Monad for .NET

.net workflow

dotResult is a lightweight and intuitive implementation of the Result monad for the .NET platform. It simplifies error handling and value propagation in a functional way, improving code readability and safety.

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Result<T> API Documentation


The Result<T> class represents the outcome of an operation that can either be a success or a failure. It provides various methods to handle the result, perform transformations, and handle both synchronous and asynchronous operations.



public bool IsSuccess { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether the result represents a success.


var result = Success.From(42);
if (result.IsSuccess)
    Console.WriteLine("Operation was successful!");


public bool IsFailure { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether the result represents a failure.


var result = Fail.OfType<int>(Failure.Fatal("Error", "An error occurred."));
if (result.IsFailure)
    Console.WriteLine("Operation failed.");



public TResult Match<TResult>(Func<Failure, TResult> failure, Func<T, TResult> success)

Matches the result and executes the appropriate function based on whether the result is a success or a failure.


var result = Success.From(42);
var message = result.Match(
    failure => "Failed: " + failure.Message,
    success => "Success: " + success);


public async Task<TResult> MatchAsync<TResult>(Func<Failure, Task<TResult>> failure, Func<T, Task<TResult>> success)

Asynchronously matches the result and executes the appropriate asynchronous function based on whether the result is a success or a failure.


var result = Success.From(42);
var message = await result.MatchAsync(
    async failure => await Task.FromResult("Failed: " + failure.Message),
    async success => await Task.FromResult("Success: " + success));


public async Task<TResult> MatchAsync<TResult>(Func<Failure, TResult> failure, Func<T, Task<TResult>> success)

Asynchronously matches the result and executes the appropriate function based on whether the result is a success or a failure.


var result = Success.From(42);
var message = await result.MatchAsync(
    failure => "Failed: " + failure.Message,
    async success => await Task.FromResult("Success: " + success));


public Result<TResult> Map<TResult>(Func<T, TResult> map)

Transforms the value of a successful result using the provided mapping function.


var result = Success.From(42);
var mappedResult = result.Map(value => value.ToString());
    failure => "Failed",
    success => "Success: " + success));


public async Task<Result<TResult>> MapAsync<TResult>(Func<T, Task<TResult>> map)

Asynchronously transforms the value of a successful result using the provided asynchronous mapping function.


var result = Success.From(42);
var mappedResult = await result.MapAsync(async value => await Task.FromResult(value.ToString()));
    failure => "Failed",
    success => "Success: " + success));


public Result<TResult> Bind<TResult>(Func<T, Result<TResult>> map)

Transforms the value of a successful result using the provided mapping function that returns another Result.


var result = Success.From(42);
var boundResult = result.Bind(value => Success.From(value.ToString()));
    failure => "Failed",
    success => "Success: " + success));


public async Task<Result<TResult>> BindAsync<TResult>(Func<T, Task<Result<TResult>>> map)

Asynchronously transforms the value of a successful result using the provided asynchronous mapping function that returns another Result.


var result = Success.From(42);
var boundResult = await result.BindAsync(async value => await Task.FromResult(Success.From(value.ToString())));
    failure => "Failed",
    success => "Success: " + success));


public TState Fold<TState>(TState state, Func<TState, T, TState> folder)

Applies a folding function to the success value contained in the Result, if present.


var result = Fail.OfType<int>(Failure.Fatal());
var foldedResult = result.Fold(0, (acc, value) => acc + value);
Console.WriteLine(foldedResult); // Outputs: 0
var result = Success.From(42);
var foldedResult = result.Fold(0, (acc, value) => acc + value);
Console.WriteLine(foldedResult); // Outputs: 42
var result = Success.From(42);
var foldedResult = result.Fold(10, (acc, value) => acc + value);
Console.WriteLine(foldedResult); // Outputs: 52


public T OrDefault(T defaultValue)

Returns the value of the result if it is a success; otherwise, returns the specified default value.


var result = Failure.OfType<int>(Failure.Fatal("Error", "An error occurred."));
var value = result.OrDefault(100);
Console.WriteLine(value); // Outputs: 100
var result = Success.From(42);
var value = result.OrDefault(100);
Console.WriteLine(value); // Outputs: 42


public T OrDefault(Func<T> defaultFactory)

Returns the value of the result if it is a success; otherwise, returns the value provided by the specified default value factory.


var result = Failure.OfType<int>(Failure.Fatal("Error", "An error occurred."));
var value = result.OrDefault(() => 100);
Console.WriteLine(value); // Outputs: 100
var result = Success.From(42);
var value = result.OrDefault(() => 100);
Console.WriteLine(value); // Outputs: 42

Static Methods

Implicit conversion from T

public static implicit operator Result<T>(T value)

Creates a new success result containing the provided value.


Result<int> result = 42;
Console.WriteLine(result.IsSuccess); // Outputs: True

Implicit conversion from Failure

public static implicit operator Result<T>(Failure failure)

Creates a new failure result containing the provided failure information.


var failure = Failure.Fatal("Error", "An error occurred.");
Result<int> result = failure;
Console.WriteLine(result.IsFailure); // Outputs: True

Static Methods on Static Class Result


Flattens a nested Result<T> by binding the inner result to the outer result.

public static Result<T> Flatten<T>(this Result<Result<T>> nested)


var nestedSuccess = Result.Success(Result.Success(42));
var flattenedSuccess = nestedSuccess.Flatten(); // Result<int> with value 42

var nestedFailure = Result.Success(Result.Failure<int>(Failure.Fatal("Error", "Inner failure")));
var flattenedFailure = nestedFailure.Flatten(); // Result<int> with failure "Inner failure"


Combines two results and applies a mapping function if both results are successful.

public static Result<TResult> Map2<TValue, TOtherValue, TResult>(
    Result<TValue> result1,
    Result<TOtherValue> result2,
    Func<TValue, TOtherValue, TResult> map)


var result1 = Result.Success(2);
var result2 = Result.Success(3);
var combinedResult = Result.Map2(result1, result2, (x, y) => x + y); // Result<int> with value 5

var failureResult = Result.Failure<int>(Failure.Fatal("Error", "Calculation failed"));
var combinedFailure = Result.Map2(result1, failureResult, (x, y) => x + y); // Result<int> with failure "Calculation failed"


Combines three results and applies a mapping function if all three results are successful.

public static Result<TResult> Map3<T1, T2, T3, TResult>(
    Result<T1> result1,
    Result<T2> result2,
    Result<T3> result3,
    Func<T1, T2, T3, TResult> map)


var result1 = Result.Success(1);
var result2 = Result.Success(2);
var result3 = Result.Success(3);
var combinedResult = Result.Map3(result1, result2, result3, (x, y, z) => x + y + z); // Result<int> with value 6

var failureResult = Result.Failure<int>(Failure.Fatal("Error", "Combination failed"));
var combinedFailure = Result.Map3(result1, result2, failureResult, (x, y, z) => x + y + z); // Result<int> with failure "Combination failed"


Converts a value of type T to a successful Result<T>.

public static Result<T> ToResult<T>(this T value)


var successResult = 42.ToResult(); // Result<int> with value 42

var stringResult = "Hello".ToResult(); // Result<string> with value "Hello"


Converts a Failure to a failed Result<T>.

public static Result<T> ToResult<T>(this Failure failure)


var failureResult = Failure.Fatal("Error", "Let the Galaxy burn").ToResult<int>(); // Result<int> with fatal failure "Let the Galaxy burn"

Query syntax

// Execute function if all results are in success state
Result<int> finalSuccessResult =
    from v1 in Succes.From("Hello, World!")
    from v2 in Succes.From('A')
    from v3 in Succes.From(42)
    let v4 = "Hello, World!"
    select v1.Length + (int)v2 + v3 + v4.Length; // Result<int> with 133

// Returns failure from first result in failure state
Result<int> finalFailureResult =
    from v1 in Failure.Fatal("Error", "Exception").ToResult<int>()
    from v2 in Failure.Validation("Validation", "It is not a number").ToResult<decimal>()
    from v3 in Failure.NotFound("NotFound", "Missing").ToResult<string>()
    let v4 = "Hello, World!"
    select v1 + (int)v2 + v3.Length + v4.Length; // Result<int> with fatal failure "Exception"


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This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


dotResult is a lightweight and intuitive implementation of the Result monad for the .NET platform. It simplifies error handling and value propagation in a functional way, improving code readability and safety.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%