Frky25 / eliza

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is a collection of cogs for Eliza, who is an instantiation of the Red Discord bot. To make these cogs available for your own Red instance, use

[p]repo add eliza
[p]cog update
[p]cog install eliza $COG_NAME

Throughout this documentation, when Eliza is said to listen for a message, she is listening only in the same channel that the relevant command was issued, with a timeout of 5 minutes.


Maintain a per-guild database of frequently asked questions (FAQs). FAQs are managed by moderators, and are searchable only by moderator-defined tags (i.e. not by question nor answer text). Eliza uses this cog for rulings associated with games popular on the guilds she oversees.

A moderator can begin the creation of an FAQ entry using [p]faq new <question>. If <question> is omitted, Eliza will instead listen for the next message from the invoking user, and take that as the question. (This latter method of question creation is suggested, as's input parsing may get stuck on questions containing special characters like ( and ".) Regardless of how the question was entered, Eliza will then listen for the next message from the invoking user and take that input as the answer to the question, confirming entry creation in an embed with the entry's ID.

Existing entries can be further modified by a moderator, using [p]faq edit-q <id> and [p]faq edit-a <id> to change the entry's question and answer respectively, and [p]faq tag <id> <tag1> [<tag2>...] to add tags to the entry. Multi-word tags should be contained in quotes. Tags beginning with a hyphen - are instead removed from the entry's tag list, e.g. [p]faq tag 10 -wrong.

Users can request that Eliza show a FAQ entry by using [p]faq search <tag1> [<tag2>...] to list all entries that have all the listed tags; or by using [p]faq show <id> to show specific entry.


Maintain per-guild queues of people looking to playing particular games. LFG queues (henceforth simply "queues") are created and managed by admins. Guild members can join and leave particular queues, query the contents of queues, and challenge other members who are waiting in queue.

An admin can begin the creation of an LFG queue using [p]queue create <name>. This initializes the queue using the given name, which should be case-insensitive-unique among all queue names. In particular, an @-able role is created in the guild as "LFG " using the capitalization provided by the admin, but future references to the queue through commands (including administrative commands) will be case-insensitive. Queues can be deleted by admins using [p]queue delete <name>. All extant queues can be listed by [p]queue list.

By default, whenever Eliza responds to LFG-related commands, she will respond in the channel that the command was issued in. To change this behavior, an admin should use [p]queue sethome <channel> to route all the appropriate output to that channel instead.

Members can join an LFG queue by using [p]lfg <name>, which accepts an additional optional argument time indicating the amount of time that member will remain in that queue, in minutes. If this argument is not provided, it is presumed to be a guild-specific default, which is normally 60 but may be configured by an admin using [p]queue settime <minutes>. Eliza maintains an invariant that as long as a member is in an LFG queue that member will also possess the corresponding role for that queue. It is then easy to communicate with people in that queue by @-ing the role; for example, for negotiation of game parameters.






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