Frix-x / semiotweet

Tweets analysis from politics.

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Tweets analysis from politics.

Build Status Dependency Status Code Climate Test Coverage Issue Count

The project is online here ! François Fillon

What's the goal

Semiotweet aims to better understand the tweets posted by politics. It shows what are the most commons words in those tweets, and what are the different semantic fields related to them.

How it works

Stack is subjects to know changes.

Stack :

  • Django as framework,
  • PostGreSQL for the database,
  • Twitter API as data provider,
  • TreeTagger & gensim for tweets' analysis,
  • chart.js for visualization

Architecture, data structures & models

There's two apps called viewer and api. directly redirects to this first app (viewer).

api is a classic REST API for the website.

The one from catch the tweets, those in process the analysis. The analysis is based on LDA (Latent Dirichlet allocation).


There are three models : Tweet, User and LdaModel : DataBase

Those models may change with new features.

Templates are directly put in viewer/templates/ and not as usual in viewer/templates/viewer as it can be the case in most of Django apps.

How to install

Virtual environment

Clone it. Go to the folder and :

# For Python 3.6 or Python 3.x
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv3
$ source venv3/bin/activate

# For Python 2.7
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

In the following, all the export lines can be put at the end of the file /venv3/bin/activate`. It is easier to define the env variables that way since those lines are executed when lauching the venv.

You have to set some variables in yout virtual env. First the "secret key" for the app (needed by Django). You can use this site to generate one.

$ export SECRET_KEY='someLongStringToImagine'


TreeTagger is one of the main library used for the project. You have to install it with the french parameter file in your home directory by refering to the official docummentation (see here)

You have to specify the folder in which you install TreeTagger with the LOCALTAGDIR variable :

$ export LOCALTAGDIR='/path/to/tree-tagger/'

Credentials for Twitter API

Then the credentials (for user and consumer)for your app in order to use Twitter API. In order to have those string, you need to create a Twitter App (see here) ; then you can copy-paste them to set them in your virtual env.

$ export CONSUMER_KEY='someLongStringToImagine'
$ export CONSUMER_SECRET='someLongStringToImagine'
$ export KEY='someLongStringToImagine'
$ export SECRET='someLongStringToImagine'


Then install the requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

If you have the error pg_config not found just install the libpq_dev package. If you have the error could not run curl-config install the libcurl4-openssl-dev package. Then re-install the requirements

You have to create a in the same folder as in order to extend this file (see the end of ; this is useful for managing different data base between local development and deployement :

$ touch

In this file are the settings set to use the local database (DEBUG is set to True for dev', false for production.) :

# Local settings : used for local development.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from .settings import PROJECT_ROOT, BASE_DIR
import os

DEBUG = True

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),

Then you have to run this in order to set up the models and the database :

$ python makemigrations
$ python makemigrations viewer
$ python migrate

Finally, $ python runserver runs the server locally.

Getting users data and tweets

Once the server is running, you can extact the data concerning the users and their tweets using the api :

Project Progress

Things done Things to do
Connection to Twitter API (100%) Semantic fields (80%)
Basic architecture (100%) JS libraries (90 %)
Defining models (100%) (60%)
Defining Env' Variables (100%)
Extracting user info (100%)
Extracting old tweets (100%)
Extracting latest tweets (100%)
Modular code for extraction (100%)
Getting all the users at once (100%)
Extract new tweet (100%)
Deployement on Heroku (100%)

Usefull Ressources


This project is under GNU General Public License (Version 3, 29 June 2007). Feel free to contact us and to fork or to patch this project.


Tweets analysis from politics.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 56.8%Language:CSS 26.5%Language:Python 9.2%Language:HTML 7.5%Language:Shell 0.1%