Friedjof / MariaDB-Galera-Cluster

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MariaDB Galera Cluster

Friedjof Noweck


The MariaDB Galera Cluster is a synchronous multi-master cluster for InnoDB. You can find three MariaDB Nodes in this Cluster.




  • Node 0 -> -> 00.mariadb.local
  • Node 1 -> -> 01.mariadb.local
  • Node 2 -> -> 02.mariadb.local
  • Node 3 -> -> 03.mariadb.local

Data Directory

  • Node 0 -> data/00
  • Node 1 -> data/01
  • Node 2 -> data/02
  • Node 3 -> data/03
  • conf.d -> data/conf.d (MariaDB Configuration for Galera Cluster)


Copy the environment files

cp ./envs/00.env-template ./envs/00.env
cp ./envs/global.env-template ./envs/global.env

Now you can edit the environment files 00.env and global.env to your needs.

  • The 00.env file contains the environment variables for the Bootstrap Node.
  • The global.env file contains the environment variables for all Nodes.

Node: You might have to change the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD in the docker-compose.yml file.

Bootstrap Node

The Bootstrap Node is the first Node in the Cluster. It is used to bootstrap the Cluster.

docker compose up -d 00.mariadb

Join Node 2 and 3

docker compose up -d 02.mariadb 03.mariadb

Wait a few seconds for initialization.

Restart the two Nodes to join the Cluster.

docker compose restart 02.mariadb 03.mariadb

Wait a few minutes for the Cluster to be ready with the following messages:

[Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
[Note] WSREP: Member 2.0 (02.mariadb.local) synced with group.

Show the Logs of the Node 2 and 3 to see the Cluster status.

docker logs -f 02.mariadb
docker logs -f 03.mariadb

Stop Node 0 and start Node 1

docker stop 00.mariadb
docker rm 00.mariadb
docker compose up -d 01.mariadb

Reset the Repository

docker compose down
sudo rm -rf data/01 data/02 data/03
mkdir data/01 data/02 data/03
sudo touch data/01/.gitkeep data/02/.gitkeep data/03/.gitkeep

More useful commands

Show running containers

docker compose ps

Start Node 1, 2 and 3

docker compose up -d 01.mariadb 02.mariadb 03.mariadb

Show the Cluster Status

select variable_name, variable_value from information_schema.global_status where variable_name in ("wsrep_cluster_size", "wsrep_local_state_comment", "wsrep_cluster_status", "wsrep_incoming_addresses")

