FrewtyPebbles / Fulcrum

A fast and straight forward scripting language with a tiny binary.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fulcrum 0.8.9

A straight forward scripting language with a tiny binary and a functional programming paradigm.


This was the first complete working programming language I made. I learned alot from the trials and tribulations involved in its development.



  • Higher order functions.

  • An extremely minimal and basic syntax.

  • An compact interpreter that can be packaged with your project.

Language Rules:

  • Assignments, function calls, and return statements must be ended with a ;

  • Operators are not yet a part of the language but operations can be done via functions.

  • Functions defined inside of other functions only are callable inside of the parent function and inherit all of the parent function's variables and function definitions.

  • Higher order functions must include a function name, this requirement will be taken out once a new syntax for function literals is added.

  • When exiting any scope, all variables defined within that scope are deleted.

  • Nothing is passed by reference, all variables are modified via the = asignment operator.

Language Keywords and syntax:

  • fun : Prefixes a function definition.

  • return : Returns a value from a user defined function.

  • break : Breaks out of a scope.

  • if : Prefixes the condition for an if block.

  • elif : Prefixes the condition for an elif block.

  • else : Prefixes an else block.

  • loop : Prefixes a loop block. Loop blocks will loop indefinitely until they hit a break or return.

  • while : Prefixes a while block. while blocks will loop as long as their statement is true.

  • [] : Wraps a list literal or is used to hold the offset for an index/offset operator.

  • = : Used to declare or assign to existing variables.

  • ' : Wraps a string literal.

  • in : Operator that checks if the left side is in the right side when not used inside a for loop.

  • ; : Denotes the end of a line.

  • () : Suffixes a function name when calling or declaring that function. Wraps function arguments when calling a function and wraps function argument names when declaring a function.

  • true|yes|t : Aliases for the boolean literal true.

  • false|no|f : Aliases for the boolean literal false.

Non-traditional Functionalities

  • Loops
loop {

Loops will loop until the path of execution hits a break or a return.

  • For loops
// String Example

for i in 'abc' {
	print(add(i, '\n'));

// output:
// a
// b
// c

// Integer Example

for i in 3 {
	print(add(i, '\n'));

// output:
// 0
// 1
// 2

// List Example

for i in ['1', 2.0, 3] {
	print(add(i, '\n'));

// output:
// 1
// 2.0
// 3

// Variable Example

variable = [0, 1, 2];
for i in variable {
	print(add(i, '\n'));

// output:
// 0
// 1
// 2

Standard Library Functions:

Functions in fulcrum return the result of their operation.

  • print(val) : Prints a value to the standard output.

  • input() : Gets user input.

  • read(filepath) : Returns the contents of the file provided.

  • write(filepath, new_content, writemode) : Writes the new_content to the file provided based on the writemode which can be 'a' for append or 't' for truncate.

  • add(val1, val2) : Adds 2 values. also concatenates strings.

  • sub(val1, val2) : Subtracts 2 values. also removes substrings from strings.

  • mul(val1, val2) : Multiplies 2 values.

  • div(val1, val2) : divides 2 values.

  • E(val1, val2) : Tests if two values are equal and returns boolean.

  • NE(val1, val2) : Tests if two values are not equal and returns boolean.

  • G(val1, val2) : Tests if val1 is greater than val2.

  • L(val1, val2) : Tests if val1 is less than val2.

  • GE(val1, val2) : Tests if val1 is greater than or equal to val2.

  • LE(val1, val2) : Tests if val1 is less than or equal to val2.

  • and(condition1, condition2) : Tests if both conditions are true and returns boolean.

  • or(condition1, condition2) : Tests if one of the conditions are true and returns boolean.

  • INT(val) : Casts the type to an Int.

  • FLOAT(val) : Casts the type to a Float.

  • BOOL(val) : Casts the type to a Boolean.

  • STRING(val) : Casts the type to a String.

  • cat(val1, val2, val3, ...) : Concatenates multiple values into a string.

  • split(string, substring) : Splits a string by a substring.

  • trim(string) : Removes the leading and trailing whitespace from a string.

  • replace(string, substring1, substring2) : Replaces the substring1 in the string with substring2.

  • pop(list) : pops a value from a list.

  • push(list, value) : pops a value from a list.

  • len(string|list) : Returns the len of the first argument.

  • range(num1, num2) : Returns a list of integers from num1 to num2.

  • rev(list|string) : Reverses a list or string.

  • CLI(integer) : Returns command line arguments.

  • import(module_path) : imports all definitions/functions from the .ful file at the path specified into the current scope.

Example Program:

Tic Tac Toe:

# tictactoe.ful
fun tictactoe() {
	# Board will act as a global that will hold the state of the tic tac toe board.
	board = [
		# 1   2   3
		[' ',' ',' '], #a
		[' ',' ',' '], #b
		[' ',' ',' ']  #c

	fun check_winner() {
		if E(board[0], ['O', 'O', 'O']) {
			return 'O';
		elif E(board[0], ['X', 'X', 'X']) {
			return 'X';
		elif E(board[1], ['O', 'O', 'O']) {
			return 'O';
		elif E(board[1], ['X', 'X', 'X']) {
			return 'X';
		elif E(board[2], ['O', 'O', 'O']) {
			return 'O';
		elif E(board[2], ['X', 'X', 'X']) {
			return 'X';
		elif and(and(E(board[0][0], 'O'), E(board[1][0], 'O')), E(board[2][0], 'O')) {
			return 'O';
		elif and(and(E(board[0][0], 'X'), E(board[1][0], 'X')), E(board[2][0], 'X')) {
			return 'X';
		elif and(and(E(board[0][1], 'O'), E(board[1][1], 'O')), E(board[2][1], 'O')) {
			return 'O';
		elif and(and(E(board[0][1], 'X'), E(board[1][1], 'X')), E(board[2][1], 'X')) {
			return 'X';
		elif and(and(E(board[0][2], 'O'), E(board[1][2], 'O')), E(board[2][2], 'O')) {
			return 'O';
		elif and(and(E(board[0][2], 'X'), E(board[1][2], 'X')), E(board[2][2], 'X')) {
			return 'X';
		elif and(and(E(board[0][0], 'O'), E(board[1][1], 'O')), E(board[2][2], 'O')) {
			return 'O';
		elif and(and(E(board[0][0], 'X'), E(board[1][1], 'X')), E(board[2][2], 'X')) {
			return 'X';
		elif and(and(E(board[2][0], 'O'), E(board[1][1], 'O')), E(board[0][2], 'O')) {
			return 'O';
		elif and(and(E(board[2][0], 'X'), E(board[1][1], 'X')), E(board[0][2], 'X')) {
			return 'X';

		return '';

	fun update_board(current_player) {
		# This function starts a turn for a player.

		fun print_board() {
			# this function renders the current board.
			# board is inherited from top most function and acts as a global.
			print(add(add(add(add(board[0][0], '|'),board[0][1]),'|'),board[0][2]));
			print(add(add(add(add(board[1][0], '|'),board[1][1]),'|'),board[1][2]));
			print(add(add(add(add(board[2][0], '|'),board[2][1]),'|'),board[2][2]));

		# render the board at the start of the turn

		# check for a winner
		is_winner = check_winner();
		if is_winner {
			write('tictactoe_wins.txt', add(is_winner, ', '), 'a');
			print(add(add('The winner is: ', is_winner), '\n'));
			print('Previous wins:\n');
			return is_winner;

		# Get horizontal input.
		x = sub(INT(input()),1);
		# Get vertical input.
		y = sub(INT(input()), 1);
		# Set the current player at that position.
		board[x][y] = current_player;
		# Check who the current player is to recursively call update board as the other player.
		if E(current_player, 'X') {
			return update_board('O');
		else {
			return update_board('X');
	return update_board('X');

# Run the game


A fast and straight forward scripting language with a tiny binary.

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 100.0%