Freeaqingme / go-transip-api

TransIP API in Golang

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Small library in Golang that implements:

  • DomainService/getDomainNames
  • DomainService/getInfo
  • DomainService/setDnsEntries

If you need other methods on the TransIP API be free to fork my code and I'll merge it with love. :)

Why use this library instead of writing own:

  • 'Correctly' implementing __nonce because there's no uniqid in Golang;
  • Correctly implementing signature, RSA Private key signing of cookie signature (unittests included);
  • Tokenized XML-parser to keep data structures free of clutter (stripping SOAP envelopes);

Example code

Get a list of domains and return all of their details

package main

import (

func printDomainNames(username, privKeyPath string) error {
    creds := creds.Client{
        Login:     username,
        ReadWrite: false,
    if err := creds.SetPrivateKeyFromPath(privKeyPath); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("could not load private key from path %s: %s",
            privKeyPath, err)
    domainService := transip.DomainService{creds}
	domains, err := domainService.DomainNames()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	fmt.Printf("Managed domains:\n")
	for _, domain := range domains.Item {
		fmt.Printf("★ %s\n", domain)

		info, err := domainService.Domain(domain)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		fmt.Printf("\t%+v\n\n", info)
	return nil

Overwrite a domain's DNS entries

package main

import (

func overWriteDnsEntries(username, privKeyPath, domain string) error {
    creds := creds.Client{
        Login:     username,
        ReadWrite: false,
    if err := creds.SetPrivateKeyFromPath(privKeyPath); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("could not load private key from path %s: %s",
            privKeyPath, err)
    // 360 = 6min (TTL in seconds)
    recordSet := []soap.DomainDNSentry{
    	{Name: "@", Expire: 360, Type: "A", Content: ""},
    domainService := transip.DomainService{creds}
    err := domainService.SetDNSEntries(domain, recordSet)
    return err


TransIP API in Golang


Language:Go 100.0%