FreeJules / monty1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project is about creating an intepreter that interprets and compiles Monty bytecode files.


Our Monty interpreter has been tested on Ubuntu 14.05.5 LTS

Tests done in VirtualBox on Ubuntu via Vagrant(1.9.1)

Repository Breakdown

Once cloned over, the repository will contain the following files:

File Decription
monty.h header file with prototypes
main.c contains main function to Monty
print_node_pall.c prints all the values in the stack, starting from the top
delete_node_pop.c removes top value of the stack
add_first_second.c adds the first two elements of the stack
add_node_push.c function that converts the environmental linked list to an double pointer array
find_opcode.c function pointer to find correct function
free_mem.c frees memory allocated by the stack
list_len.c finds the length of the stack list
nop_nodes.c Does nothing
print_first_pint.c prints the value at the top of the stack, followed by newline
swap_first_second.c swaps the top two elements in the stack
_strtok.c tokenizes the Monty bytecode file passed in

Description of File Structure

  1. build_all_variables.c - Builds all the variables needed for each function:
  • *build_all_variables() - builds all the variables needed for each function such as when building a linked list
  1. builtin_funcs.c - Includes two builtin functions:
  • print_env() - Prints the user's current environment
  • _setenv() - Allows the user to create or modify an environmental variable.
  1. cmd_executor.c - Includes functions to execute the binary executable programs:
  • full_path_executor() - executes the binary executable if the user inputs the full path. For example: /bin/ls
  • path_cmd_executor() - executes the binary executable if the user inputs just the command. For example: ls
  1. env_funcs.c - Includes all functions that deal with the environment:
  • add_env_node() - creates a linked list from the user's current environment
  • create_env_list() - creates a linked list from the environ variables.
  1. envlist_to_array.c - Includes function to convert the environmental variable linked list into a double pointer array:
  • conv_list_to_array() - Converts the environmental linked list into a double pointer array
  1. free_mem.c - Includes functions to free memory:
  • free_input_list() - Frees the input linked list (Currently not in use)
  • free_env_list() - Frees the environmental variable linked list
  • free_env_array() - Frees the double pointer environmental variable array
  • free_path_array() - Frees the double pointer path array
  • free_mem() - Function that calls all the free functions
  1. get_builtin_func.c - Includes a function to get the builtin functions:
  • *get_builtin_func() - Function pointer that points to the builtin function the user inputs
  1. input_funcs.c - Include a function that handle the user's input:
  • *add_node_end - Adds the user's input into a linked list (currently not in use).
  1. input_list_to_array.c - Includes a function to convert the input linked list into a double pointer array:
  • conv_inputlist_to_array() - function to convert the input linked list into a double pointer array (currently not in use).
  1. input_parserator.c - Includes a function to parse the user's input:
  • *input_parserator() - a function to parse the user's input
  1. input_to_array.c - Includes a function that takes in the input and converts to a double pointer array:
  • **input_to_array() - takes in the user input as a string and converts to a double pointer array
  1. input_word_counter.c - Counts the tokens in the user input:
  • input_token_count() - counts the amount of tokens in the input
  1. memory_funcs.c - Includes functions for memory:
  • *_grand_malloc() - allocates memory, filling area with null bytes '\0'
  • *_memcopy() - copies the memory area
  • ``*_memset() - function that fills the memory with a constant byte
  1. path_parserator.c - Includes functions to parse the path:
  • path_folder_counter() - counts the amount of folders in the path
  • path_parserator() - converts the environmental linked list into a double pointer array
  1. print_funcs.c - Includes functions to print the environmental list:
  • print_env_list() - function that prints the environmental list
  • print_input_list() - function that prints the input list
  1. shell.c - File includes the main shell function and signal handler:
  • main() - main shell function
  • signal_handler() - function that handles the signal ^C
  1. shell.h - Header file that includes prototypes and structs
  2. string_helper_funcs.c - Includes functions that help the basic functionality for the shell:
  • _strcmp() - function that compares the strings
  • _strncmp() - function that compares the strings up to at most the first n bytes of string 1
  • _strcmp_env() - function that compares the strings for the environmental variables
  • *_strdup() - function that duplicates the string
  • _strlen() - function that finds the length of the string
  1. string_helper_funcs2.c - Includes additional functions that help the basic functionality for the shell:
  • *_strncat_env() - function that concatenates two strings
  1. write_func.c - Includes a function that writes to standard output:
  • _write() - function that writes to standard output
  1. AUTHORS - List of contributors.
  2. man_1_simple_shell - Manual page for the shell.

How to Use

First step is to clone the repository into your directory

$ git clone

Compile all the .c files in monty

gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o monty

Example of Use

After compiling, run the executable ./hsh

$ ./hsh
$ # You are now in our version of the shell
$ ls -l
total 3
-rwxrw-r-x 1 vagrant vagrant 5345 Apr 4 14:59 hello.c
-rwxrwxrwx 1 vagrant vagrant 5343 Mar 1 22:05 julien.c
-rwxrw-r-x 1 vagrant vagrant 5542 Feb 2 09:14 holberton.c


Other builtins such as aliases, history, and or command separators are not supported and are currently in development.

Known Bugs

There are no known bugs at the time.


Kimberly Wong - Github || Twitter || email

Julija Lee - Github || Twitter || email

Feedback and contributors welcomed. Reach out to either authors.



Language:C 95.1%Language:Objective-C 4.4%Language:Forth 0.5%