Frankz / okteto

Build better applications by developing and testing your code directly in Kubernetes

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Okteto: A Tool for Cloud Native Developers

GitHub release CircleCI Apache License 2.0

CII Best Practices


Kubernetes has made it very easy to deploy applications to the cloud at a higher scale than ever, but the development practices have not evolved at the same speed as application deployment patterns.

Today, most developers try to either run parts of the infrastructure locally, or just test these integrations directly in the cluster via CI jobs or the "docker build, docker push, kubectl apply" cycle. It works, but this workflow is painful and incredibly slow.

Okteto makes this cycle a lot faster by launching your development environment directly in your Kubernetes cluster.


Development environments on demand

Your development environment is defined in a simple yaml manifest.

  • Run okteto init to inspect your project and generate your own config file.
  • Run okteto up to launch your development environment in seconds.

Add okteto.yml to your repo and make collaboration easier than ever. Clone the repository and simply run okteto up to launch a fully configured development environment.

Developer Mode

You can swap your development environment with an existing Kubernetes deployment, and develop directly in your cluster. This helps eliminate integration issues since you're developing the same way your application runs in production.

Okteto supports applications with one or with multiple services.

Kubernetes Live Development

Okteto detects your code changes, synchronizes your code to your development environment. Keep using your compilers and hot reloaders to see your changes in seconds. No commit, build, push or deploy required.

Okteto is powered by Syncthing. It will detect code changes instantly and automatically synchronize your files. Files are synchronized both ways. If you edit a file directly in your remote development environment, the changes will be reflected locally as well. Great for keeping your package-lock.json or requirements.txt up to date.

Keep Your Own Tools

No need to change IDEs, tasks or deployment scripts. Okteto easily integrates and augments your existing tools.

Okteto is compatible with any Kubernetes cluster, local or remote. If you can run kubectl apply you can use Okteto. Our community uses Okteto in all major Kubernetes distros, from Minikube and k3s all the way to GKE, Digital Ocean, AKS, EKS and Civio.

Learn More

Stay in Touch

Got questions? Have feedback? Join the conversation in Slack! If you don't already have a Kubernetes slack account, sign up here.

Follow @OktetoHQ on Twitter for important announcements.

Or get in touch with the maintainers:

About Okteto

Okteto is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to


Build better applications by developing and testing your code directly in Kubernetes

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 98.2%Language:Shell 1.3%Language:Makefile 0.5%