Franklalalala / RNMC

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reaction Network Monte Carlo (RNMC) is a collection of programs for Monte Carlo simulation of statistical mechanical systems heavily inspired by SPPARKS. RNMC is designed to run large numbers of simulations of a fixed system in parallel. The project currently consists of three parts:

  • core : Core code shared by all simulators, for example IO, threading logic and model independent simulation logic.
  • GMC : Implementation of Gillespie's next reaction simulator. GMC is able to run simulations of reaction networks with hundreds of millions of reactions, even when the number of species is small.
  • NPMC : A 3D statistical field theory simulator which supports one and two site interactions. Useful for simulating nano particles.

See this paper for an example of the kind of work being done with RNMC.


RNMC depends on GSL for pseudo random number generation and sqlite for the database interfaces.


On a machine with system versions of GSL and sqlite, the executables can be built like this:


The executables are put in the build directory. Note that the build script uses the gsl-config utility to find headers and libraries for GSL. If you are on a cluster and sqlite is not present, it can be built as follows:

cd $HOME
cd sqlite-amalgamation-3360000
gcc -o -shared -fPIC sqlite3.c -lpthread -ldl

in which case, the simulators can be built like this:

export CPATH=$HOME/sqlite-amalgamation-3360000:$CPATH
export LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/sqlite-amalgamation-3360000:$LIBRARY_PATH


Run the tests using from the root directory of the repository.

Running GMC

GMC is run as follows:

GMC --reaction_database=rn.sqlite --initial_state_database=initial_state.sqlite --number_of_simulations=1000 --base_seed=1000 --thread_count=8 --step_cutoff=200
  • reaction_database: a sqlite database containing the reaction network and metadata.
  • initial_state_database : a sqlite database containing initial state. The simulation trajectories are also written into the database
  • number_of_simulation: an integer specifying how many simulations to run
  • base_seed: seeds used are base_seed, base_seed+1, ..., base_seed+number_of_simulations-1
  • thread_count: is how many threads to use.
  • step_cutoff: how many steps in each simulation

The Reaction Network Database

There are 2 tables in the reaction network database:

    CREATE TABLE metadata (
            number_of_species   INTEGER NOT NULL,
            number_of_reactions INTEGER NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE reactions (
            reaction_id         INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
            number_of_reactants INTEGER NOT NULL,
            number_of_products  INTEGER NOT NULL,
            reactant_1          INTEGER NOT NULL,
            reactant_2          INTEGER NOT NULL,
            product_1           INTEGER NOT NULL,
            product_2           INTEGER NOT NULL,
            rate                REAL NOT NULL

There are 3 tables in the initial state database. The factors can be used to modify rates of reactions which have zero or two reactants, or have duplicate reactants.

    CREATE TABLE trajectories (
            seed         INTEGER NOT NULL,
            step         INTEGER NOT NULL,
            reaction_id  INTEGER NOT NULL,
            time         REAL NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE factors (
            factor_zero         REAL NOT NULL,
            factor_two          REAL NOT NULL,
            factor_duplicate    REAL NOT NULL)
    CREATE TABLE initial_state (
            species_id             INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
            count                  INTEGER NOT NULL

Running NPMC

NPMC is run as follows:

NPMC --nano_particle_database=np.sqlite --initial_state_database=initial_state.sqlite --number_of_simulations=1000 --base_seed=1000 --thread_count=8 --step_cutoff=200 --dependency_threshold=1
  • nano_particle_database: a sqlite database containing the nano particle data and metadata.
  • initial_state_database : a sqlite database containing initial state. The simulation trajectories are also written into the database
  • number_of_simulation: an integer specifying how many simulations to run
  • base_seed: seeds used are base_seed, base_seed+1, ..., base_seed+number_of_simulations-1
  • thread_count: is how many threads to use.
  • step_cutoff: how many steps in each simulation

The Nano particle Database

There are 4 tables in the nano particle database:

CREATE TABLE species (
    species_id          INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    degrees_of_freedom  INTEGER NOT NULL
    site_id             INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    x                   REAL NOT NULL,
    y                   REAL NOT NULL,
    z                   REAL NOT NULL,
    species_id          INTEGER NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE interactions (
    interaction_id      INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    number_of_sites     INTEGER NOT NULL,
    species_id_1        INTEGER NOT NULL,
    species_id_2        INTEGER NOT NULL,
    left_state_1        INTEGER NOT NULL,
    left_state_2        INTEGER NOT NULL,
    right_state_1       INTEGER NOT NULL,
    right_state_2       INTEGER NOT NULL,
    rate                REAL NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE metadata (
    number_of_species                   INTEGER NOT NULL,
    number_of_sites                     INTEGER NOT NULL,
    number_of_interactions              INTEGER NOT NULL

there are 3 tables in the initial state database:

CREATE TABLE initial_state (
    site_id            INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    degree_of_freedom  INTEGER NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE trajectories (
    seed               INTEGER NOT NULL,
    step               INTEGER NOT NULL,
    time               REAL NOT NULL,
    site_id_1          INTEGER NOT NULL,
    site_id_2          INTEGER NOT NULL,
    interaction_id     INTEGER NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE factors (
    one_site_interaction_factor      REAL NOT NULL,
    two_site_interaction_factor      REAL NOT NULL,
    interaction_radius_bound         REAL NOT NULL,
    distance_factor_type             TEXT NOT NULL

distance_factor_type specifies how to compute interaction propensities for two site interactions as a function of distance. Currently the accepted values are linear and inverse_cubic.




Language:C++ 93.1%Language:Shell 4.1%Language:Nix 2.8%