Frankdroid7 / members-list

Repository for DSC FUNAAB members to add their details in order for it to be reflected on the website

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DSC FUNAAB website members list

Members list for the dsc funaab website

Getting Started

This repository contains the list of all members of DSC FUNAAB . In order to add your name to the list you must follow the instructions below carefully . If you make a mistake and mess the list up , this is git , we will catch you and deal with you ( Lol just kidding ) . Seriously though , please do not mess anything up .


  1. Basic knowedge of json syntax . Not needed though , if you follow the instructions carefully , you would do fine .

  2. Basic knowledge of git .


Alright , so firstly you would have to fork this repository . After doing that , you edit the members-list.json file as such ;

The file contains a json object which houses the information of the members . You should see something like this

	   "Ademola Abisayo Paul":{
	   	  "name": "Ademola Abisayo Paul",

To add your name , use the following template and fill in your information appropriately . Please do note that you must put a comma before the previous entry before you put your own . For example , this is wrong

	   "Ademola Abisayo Paul":{
	   	  "name": "Ademola Abisayo Paul",
	   } //notice that there is no comma here 
	   "Your Name Here":{
	   	"name":"Your full name here",
		"twitter":"your twitter handle/username here",
		"github":"your github username here"

and this on the other hand is correct

	   "Ademola Abisayo Paul":{
	   "Your Name Here":{
	   	"name":"Your full name here",
		"twitter":"your twitter handle/username here",
		"github":"your github username here"

When you are done , submit a pull request and we'll merge if you did it right .

I would say good luck , but since we are FUNAABites , permit me to say ;

All the very best for you oo

If you don't understand anything here , ask on the group or search Google ( it's how we all learn new stuff ) .


Repository for DSC FUNAAB members to add their details in order for it to be reflected on the website