Francis Njoroge Muthoni's repositories
Language classification problem: which identifies South Africa's 11 official Languages through text data
ALX C Programming Language
Refactoring a Monolith Image Filtering Application to Microservices using Docker Container, CI/CD and deploying Kubernetes Clusters
It involves developing an Instagram-like serverless service for uploading, listing, and filtering images. Through which I began building serverless REST APIs using API Gateway and AWS Lambda, a stack of serverless technologies on AWS. Then I implemented an API to interact with this application, store data in AWS DynamoDB, S3, and Elasticsearch, secure your application with authentication, and deploy it to Amazon Web Services using a Serverless framework.
Engineering a cloud-based application for uploading, listing, and filtering images. I used Node.js Express, a popular javascript framework for networked application development to develop this application. I also implemented a REST API to issue commands using HTTP, store data in Amazon Web Services Relational Data Service (RDS) and S3, and also extended the codebase with secure authentication sign on features, and deployed to Amazon Web Services Elastic Beanstalk
Building a movie recommender system to drive economic growth and empowerment
Template repository for the EDSA Classification Predict
Implements the Expressjs Hello World example to provide a faster start deploying on the Cyclic platform
Implementation of a stack problem
Build an Average Ratings Calculator with Javascript
It's an awesome game to hone your JavaScript skills and to take your JS game in another level as it uses various methods for DOM manipulations
Created with CodeSandbox
Streamlit-based recommender system for the EDSA Unsupervised Sprint