FrancyJGLisboa / openAI_Assistant_API_DEMO

OpenAI Assistant Agent Demo!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

OpenAI Enhanced Chat Assistant for Customer Inquiries


Harness the power of OpenAI's cutting-edge Assistant API features, this script creates a dynamic, responsive, and intelligent chat experience that's both efficient and user-friendly. More expansion is commng so stay tuned to the repo! Star and watch for updates!

What is This Script?

  • Real-Time Interaction: Experience seamless, real-time conversations with an AI-powered assistant that responds promptly to your queries.
  • Persistent Thread Management: The script intelligently manages and saves conversation threads, ensuring no inquiry gets lost and every conversation flows smoothly from where it left off.
  • Customizable Assistants: Tailor your chat assistant to fit specific roles or requirements, making it versatile for a wide array of customer service scenarios.

What is comming wth ths script?

  • Dedicated flask based webserver: select and change settings and Agents via an interface.
  • Multi-Thread Capability: Juggle multiple conversation threads effortlessly, providing users the flexibility to handle various inquiries simultaneously.

Getting Started


  • Python 3.7+: Ensure you have Python 3.7 or newer.
  • OpenAI API Key: Obtain your OpenAI API key for access to the AI's capabilities.
  • Organization ID (Optional): This may be needed depending on your OpenAI account setup.


  1. Clone or download this repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the script directory:
    cd path/to/script
  3. Install the OpenAI package:
    pip install openai

Initial Setup

  1. Insert your OpenAI API key and organization ID (if applicable) into the script.
  2. Customize the assistant configurations as desired.

Running the Assistant

  1. Launch the script:
  2. Begin interacting with the assistant, and watch as it handles inquiries with ease.

Share any uses!


OpenAI Assistant Agent Demo!


Language:Python 100.0%