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Papers about One/Zero-shot learning in 2018

AAAI 2018

  1. Adversarial Zero-shot Learning with Semantic Augmentation Bin Tong*, Martin Klinkigt, Junwen Chen, Xiankun Cui, Quan Kong, tomokazu Murakami, yoshiyuki Kobayashi PDF
  2. Deep Semantic Structural Constraints for Zero-Shot Learning Yan Li, Zhen Jia*, Junge Zhang, Kaiqi Huang, Tieniu Tan PDF
  3. Efficient K-Shot Learning with Regularized Deep Networks Donghyun Yoo*, Haoqi Fan, Vishnu Bodetti, Kris Kitani PDF
  4. Few Shot Transfer Learning BetweenWord Relatedness and Similarity Tasks Using A Gated Recurrent Siamese Network James O' Neill*, Paul Buitelaar PDF
  5. Joint Dictionaries for Zero-Shot Learning Soheil Kolouri*, Mohammad Rostami, Yuri Owechko, Kyungnam Kim PDF
  6. LSTD: A Low-Shot Transfer Detector for Object Detection Hao Chen, Yali Wang, Guoyou Wang, Yu Qiao* PDF
  7. Towards Affordable Semantic Searching: Zero-shot Retrieval via Dominant Attributes Yang Long*, Li Liu, Yuming Shen, Ling Shao PDF
  8. Zero-Shot Learning via Class-Conditioned Deep Generative Models Wenlin Wang*, Yunchen Pu, Vinay Verma, Kai Fan, Yizhe Zhang, Changyou Chen, Piyush Rai, Lawrence Carin PDF
  9. Zero-shot Learning with Attribute Selection Yuchen Guo*, Guiguang Ding, Jungong Han, Sheng Tang PDF

CVPR 2018

  1. A Generative Adversarial Approach for Zero-Shot Learning From Noisy Texts Yizhe Zhu, Mohamed Elhoseiny, Bingchen Liu, Xi Peng, Ahmed Elgammal PDF
  2. Transductive Unbiased Embedding for Zero-Shot Learning Jie Song, Chengchao Shen, Yezhou Yang, Yang Liu, Mingli Song PDF
  3. Zero-Shot Visual Recognition using Semantics-Preserving Adversarial Embedding Networks Long Chen, Hanwang Zhang, Jun Xiao, Wei Liu, Shih-Fu Chang PDF
  4. Learning to Compare: Relation Network for Few-Shot Learning Flood Sung, Yongxin Yang, Li Zhang, Tao Xiang, Philip H.S. Torr, Timothy M. Hospedales PDF
  5. One-shot Action Localization by Learning Sequence Matching Network Hongtao Yang, Xuming He, Fatih Porikli PDF
  6. Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning with Structured Knowledge Graphs Chung-Wei Lee, Wei Fang, Chih-Kuan Yeh, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang PDF
  7. Low-shot learning with large-scale diffusion Matthijs Douze, Arthur Szlam, Bharath Hariharan, Hervé Jégou PDF
  8. CLEAR: Cumulative LEARning for One-Shot One-Class Image Recognition Jedrzej Kozerawski, Matthew Turk PDF
  9. Zero-Shot Sketch-Image Hashing Yuming Shen, Li Liu, Fumin Shen, Ling Shao PDF
  10. Structured Set Matching Networks for One-Shot Part Labeling Jonghyun Choi, Jayant Krishnamurthy, Aniruddha Kembhavi, Ali Farhadi PDF
  11. Memory Matching Networks for One-Shot Image Recognition Qi Cai, Yingwei Pan, Ting Yao, Chenggang Yan, Tao Mei PDF
  12. Generalized Zero-Shot Learning via Synthesized Examples Vinay Kumar Verma, Gundeep Arora, Ashish Mishra, Piyush Rai PDF
  13. Dynamic Few-Shot Visual Learning Without Forgetting Spyros Gidaris, Nikos Komodakis PDF
  14. Exploit the Unknown Gradually: One-Shot Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Stepwise Learning Yu Wu, Yutian Lin, Xuanyi Dong, Yan Yan, Wanli Ouyang, Yi Yang PDF
  15. Feature Generating Networks for Zero-Shot Learning Yongqin Xian, Tobias Lorenz, Bernt Schiele, Zeynep Akata PDF
  16. Low-Shot Learning With Imprinted Weights Hang Qi, Matthew Brown, David G. Lowe PDF
  17. Zero-shot Recognition via Semantic Embeddings and Knowledge Graphs Xiaolong Wang, Yufei Ye, Abhinav Gupta PDF
  18. Webly Supervised Learning Meets Zero-Shot Learning: A Hybrid Approach for Fine-Grained Classification Li Niu, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Ashutosh Sabharwal PDF
  19. Few-Shot Image Recognition by Predicting Parameters from Activations Siyuan Qiao, Chenxi Liu, Wei Shen, Alan L. Yuille PDF
  20. Low-Shot Learning from Imaginary Data Yu-Xiong Wang, Ross Girshick, Martial Hebert, Bharath Hariharan PDF
  21. Discriminative Learning of Latent Features for Zero-Shot Recognition Yan Li, Junge Zhang, Jianguo Zhang, Kaiqi Huang PDF
  22. Multi-Content GAN for Few-Shot Font Style Transfer Samaneh Azadi, Matthew Fisher, Vladimir G. Kim, Zhaowen Wang, Eli Shechtman, Trevor Darrell PDF
  23. Preserving Semantic Relations for Zero-Shot Learning Yashas Annadani, Soma Biswas PDF
  24. Zero-Shot Kernel Learning Hongguang Zhang, Piotr Koniusz PDF
  25. Avatar-Net: Multi-Scale Zero-Shot Style Transfer by Feature Decoration Lu Sheng, Ziyi Lin, Jing Shao, Xiaogang Wang PDF

ECCV 2018

  1. Dynamic Conditional Networks for Few-Shot Learning Fang Zhao, Jian Zhao, Shuicheng Yan, Jiashi Feng PDF
  2. Zero-Shot Object Detection Ankan Bansal, Karan Sikka, Gaurav Sharma, Rama Chellappa, Ajay Divakaran PDF
  3. Zero-Shot Deep Domain Adaptation Kuan-Chuan Peng, Ziyan Wu, Jan Ernst PDF
  4. Selective Zero-Shot Classification with Augmented Attributes Jie Song, Chengchao Shen, Jie Lei, An-Xiang Zeng, Kairi Ou, Dacheng Tao, Mingli Song PDF
  5. Learning Class Prototypes via Structure Alignment for Zero-Shot Recognition Huajie Jiang, Ruiping Wang, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen PDF
  6. A Zero-Shot Framework for Sketch Based Image Retrieval. Sasi Kiran Yelamarthi, Shiva Krishna Reddy, Ashish Mishra, Anurag Mittal PDF
  7. Multi-modal Cycle-consistent Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Rafael Felix, Vijay Kumar B. G., Ian Reid, Gustavo Carneiro PDF
  8. Zero-shot keyword spotting for visual speech recognition in-the-wild Themos Stafylakis, Georgios Tzimiropoulos PDF


One shot learning / Zero shot learning / Few shot learning