ForJournalism / fj-angular

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Angular for Journalism

Introduction to Angular

  • What is Angular?
  • What kind of problems does it solve well?
  • What kind of problems does it not solve?
  • Basic app structure.


  • Get articles from JSON that looks like WordPress JSON API with title, body, image and categories.
  • Run queries against the API in the browser.

Create a news site using the JSON API

  • List of 20 most recent articles plus pagination
  • Clicking title of an article async loads the body
  • Filter by one category
  • Filter by text
  • Filter by one category and then text
  • Filter by one category and then a second category

Optimize and Deploy

  • Trim down API to get the most articles while keep file size manageable
  • Add some CSS or imagery
  • Deploy on S3 to handle major traffic

Authentication and Sharing

  • Users can create acconts
  • Users can favorite articles
  • Users can share articles
