FongWaiLam / recipez

Information Technology Coursework

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Recip(EZ) is a assessed coursework for Internet Technology (M). This web application is developed using Python, Django, HTML, CSS and associated technologies including Javascript, JQuery or AJAX. The CSS framework Bootstrap is used to support the responsive web design.

This web development is now deployed to :-

Youtube demo presented by Qi Li :-


Recip(EZ) is a website that provides a welcoming and engaging community for home cooks, which allows users to share and view recipes from other creators/community members The goal of this website is to provide inspiration and convenience to people who are interested in cooking at home and exploring new dishes, which has become increasingly popular since the COVID 19 pandemic.

  • a user friendly interface with easy navigation
  • users can easily browse, search, and save their favorite recipes
  • users can upload and share their own recipes
  • users can rate, review and comment on other users' content
  • clear instructions, attractive photos, and ingredient information
  • simple, intuitive, mobile friendly interface

Getting Started

The recipez application is deceptively simple to run, based on a standard Django project structure. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them. You will need Python3 and the Django framework installed on your machine.

  • python
    $ sudo apt-get install python3
    $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install Python-pip packages
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Create the migration files
    $ python ./ makemigrations recipez
    $ python ./ migrate
  4. Populate the database with our test data
    $ python ./
  5. Run the Django development server
    $ python ./ runserver 5000

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System Architecture


Site Map



Information Technology Coursework


Language:HTML 48.8%Language:Python 40.5%Language:JavaScript 6.7%Language:CSS 4.0%