FonazzaStent / Color2Wave

Turn colors into synth presets

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Color to Waveform 1.1.0

The purpose of the program is to convert a color to a waveform you can use as a synthesizer oscillator inside a DAW such as FL Studio from Image Line. Many synths are provided with an option to load your own waveform, to replace the basic saw, square and sine waveforms commonly used to create synth sounds. The waveform generated by the program will correspond to the subliminal synesthetic sensation of the selected color. You can create your own synth instruments to use in a track using color as a base.

See following links for more explanations about this phenomenon:

Unzip the archive to a folder, run the executable. The Windows executable will run on Windows systems with no addition software needed. If you want to run or compile the Python source code, you must install Python ( The Python script also requires the Pydub libray and the FFMPEG codecs. Install them through the following commands inside a command line shell such as Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell (hotkey+R and enter "CMD" or "Powershell"):

pip install pydub pip install python-ffmpeg or pip install ffmpeg

Download FFMPEG from and install it. After you installed FFMPEG, you must add it to your PATH environment variable:

Go to Settings, About, Advanced System Settings, Environment Variables, User Variables Click on "Path", Edit, New Copy path of folder where you installed FFMPEG, paste to the "path" textfield. Click OK.


Click on the color frame or Alt-C or File-Choose Color to open the color chooser window. Pick your color with the mouse, or input Red/Green/Blue or Hue/Saturation/Lightness values. Click OK. You can also input the HEX code of your color into the HEX field and press Enter or click on the "Set Color" button. The frame will display your color. Now click on File-Generate Waveform or Alt-W to generate the waveform. A file dialog will open. Choose as folder and a file name for your waveform. The default filename is the HEX code of your color. You can now load this waveform into the synth oscillator to create an instrument of the selected color.

New in this version:

  • HEX field added to input your color in HEX format