FoldingCommunity / fah-client-documentation

To host the versioned documentation for the F@h client software.

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Folding@home Client Documentation - Readme

To view near real-time formatting of the page as you edit, see

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Quick Tutorial/Tips


Heading formatting/styling is actually free by your style. You just need to be consistent within a single document.

I recommend using this format:

Page Title

Section 1

Subsection 1 (Level 2)

Sub-subsection (Level 3)

You can also use " . as other option. For more you can try look for it, I believe there's more characters that can be used.

Text Styling

Some basic styling:



Escape certain special characters using "Backslash", example: Folding\@Home
It is because rst will automatically parse to action link "mailto" when see "@" character.
Except if @ is inside a styling, e.g. **Folding@Home** doesn’t need to be **Folding\@Home**.

   a Tab

| Line 1
| Change Line (Line 2 with no space between Line)


Adding footnote [1]_ also this one too [2]_

.. [1] `Hopkins, 2002 <>`_
.. [2] `Bowman, 2012 <>`_


.. role:: strike

:strike:`This text is crossed out`


.. rst-class:: center

This paragraph will be centered.




` <>`_
`Discord <>`_

Note: if you define the same target name in the same page, you need to use double underscore at the end instead to avoid warning.



.. image:: directory/image1.png

to add image that being placed in specific directory from where your working page is.

.. image::
   :alt: FAQ
   :align: center
   :height: 100
   :width: 200

to add image from a link and also optionally you can add styling.

Local Table of Contents

Use this formatting to create a local page table of contents. This formatting must be added directly to the identified .rst doc.:

.. contents::


Use this formatting to create an indented bulleted list:

- list 1
- list 2
- list 3

Use this formatting to create a numbered list:

1. List (1)
2. List (2)
3. List (3)
#. For auto-enumerated (4)

Additional Notes

If you're checking the docs, you will need several minutes for readthedocs to build the documentation first.


To host the versioned documentation for the F@h client software.