FlyteWizard / uvic-ecs-work-term-report

UVic ECS Work Term Report Template

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UVic ECS Work Term Report - Template

A template following the Computer Science Work Term Report Guidelines. The report is built using LaTeX and Overleaf.


The report template can be copied and modified in Overleaf. To learn more about copying a project in Overleaf read "Copying A Project".

Report Structure

The report structure is spilt up into sections. It also includes a template for the letter of transmittal.

The file main.tex is the entry point of the report. All the preamble and imports are within this file. If you want to add a section you'll need to include it in main.tex.

The file bibliography.bib is the bibliography. Add all your references to this file. Once they are include you can reference them within the report by using the \cite{} command. To learn more about BibLaTeX read "Getting started with BibLaTeX ". The following tool is helpful in validating and formatting your BIB file: BibTeX Tidy.

The file glossary.tex is the glossary. You can add all your terms and acronyms to this file and then reference them within your report with \gls{}. You can learn more by reading the Glossaries article on Overleaf.

The sections folder includes all the report sections (title, professional reflection, executive summary, introduction, discussion, conclusion, recommendation, acknowledgements, and appendix). In addition, there is a discussion folder. The folder splits up the discussion into readable parts. You can create a TEX file for each section heading within discussion.

The figures and snippets folders are for images and code files respectively.

And finally, the file letter.tex is the letter of transmittal. To include the letter in the report you'll need to compile the file into a PDF and upload it to the root folder. The template provides a compiled letter.


MIT License


The template is based on

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UVic ECS Work Term Report Template

License:MIT License


Language:TeX 99.4%Language:Python 0.6%