FlyKite / FKConsole

A convenient console view

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A convenient console view


  • Easy to use
  • Convenient to debug
  • Copyable, easy to share
  • Don't need to change key window
  • Easy to distinguish between different Log Levels
  • Log with class and function info, easy to find in project


iOS 8.0 or later
Swift 3.0 or later



Copy FKConsole.swift to your project


pod 'FKConsole'
There are some problems with namespace, you need import FKConsole when you use Log.
Also, you can copy the following code to your project, then you can use Log everywhere.

import FKConsole

class Log: FKConsole.Log {


How to use

First, register FKConsole in AppDelegate.application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:).

Register FKConsole with default gesture (Double tap with three fingers to toggle).

FKConsole.easyRegister(to: UIWindow)

Register FKConsole without any gesture, use show() function to show FKConsole in your code.

FKConsole.register(to: UIWindow)

Register FKConsole with custom gestures.

FKConsole.register(window: UIWindow, showGesture: UIGestureRecognizer?, hideGesture: UIGestureRecognizer?)

Then you can use these functions to print log.

/// Override to intercept print method
/// It's not recommended, please use Log.v(xxx) instead.
/// If you don't want to use this method, please remove it.
public func print(_ items: Any...)

public class Log: NSObject {
    /// Print verbose log (white)
    /// - parameter log: log content string
    public class func v(_ log: String?)
    /// Print debug log (blue)
    /// - parameter log: log content string
    public class func d(_ log: String?)
    /// Print info log (green)
    /// - parameter log: log content string
    public class func i(_ log: String?)
    /// Print warning log (yellow)
    /// - parameter log: log content string
    public class func w(_ log: String?)
    /// Print error log (red)
    /// - parameter log: log content string
    public class func e(_ log: String?)


Set shouldSaveLogsToDisk to false to let the FKConsole not to save logs to disk.

    /// Default is true, it determines whether to save logs to disk.
    /// If you don't want to save logs to disk, please set it to false.
    public var shouldSaveLogsToDisk: Bool

You can also customize the color of diffirent log levels.

    /// Color of verbose logs, default is white.
    public var verboseColor: UIColor
    /// Emoji mark of verbose logs, default is βœ‰οΈ
    public var verboseMark: String
    /// Color of debug logs, default is blue.
    public var debugColor: UIColor
    /// Emoji mark of debug logs, default is 🌐
    public var debugMark: String
    /// Color of info logs, default is green.
    public var infoColor: UIColor
    /// Emoji mark of info logs, default is πŸ“Ÿ
    public var infoMark: String
    /// Color of warning logs, default is yellow.
    public var warningColor: UIColor
    /// Emoji mark of warning logs, default is ⚠️
    public var warningMark: String
    /// Color of error logs, default is red.
    public var errorColor: UIColor
    /// Emoji mark of error logs, default is ❌
    public var errorMark: String
    /// Font of logs, default is system font of 15 pix.
    public var font: UIFont


Warning: print function is not recommended! It won't print class and function where you call print().

    print("Print a verbose log.")
    Log.v("This is a verbose log.")
    Log.d("This is a debug log.")
    Log.i("This is a info log.")
    Log.w("This is a warning log.")
    Log.e("This is a error log.")



All source code is licensed under MIT License


A convenient console view

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 97.8%Language:Ruby 2.2%