Flowtopia-Studio / FlowtopiaScript-Documentation

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FlowtopiaScript 文档
FlowtopiaScript Documentation

What is this?

FlowtopiaScript 是一种轻量级的易于使用的视觉小说脚本标记语言。通过它,您可以简单地构建您的视觉小说。

FlowtopiaScript is a light and easy-to-use visual novel script markup language. Through this, you can simply build your visual novel.

Why not other visual novel script markup language?

FlowtopiaScript 和其他知名的视觉小说脚本标记语言一样,拥有简易的语法和众多功能。然而,虽然其他知名的视觉小说脚本已经实现了绝大多数视觉小说中常用的功能,但它们都无法让开发者接触到程序的底层——即使这是出于稳定性考虑。FlowtopiaScript 在底层提供了对接代码方法的接口(参见调用在代码中定义的方法)。如果您不会任何编程语言,您可以使用我们已经封装好的功能构建您的视觉小说;但若您会一些基础的 Unity 编程,那么您可以在此基础上实现更多丰富多彩的复杂功能。

FlowtopiaScript, like other well-known visual novel script markup languages, has a simple syntax and numerous features. However, while other well-known visual novel scripts have implemented most of the commonly used features in visual novels, they do not allow developers to touch the underlying layer of the program - even if this is for stability considerations. FlowtopiaScript provides an interface at the underlying layer to connect to methods defined in the code (see Calling Methods Defined in Code). If you don’t know any programming languages, you can use our pre-packaged features to build your visual novel; but if you have some basic Unity programming skills, you can implement more colorful and complex features on this basis.

About copyright?

我们(最终版权拥有人为花开花落)拥有 FlowtopiaScript 的完整版权——包括脚本标记语言格式、脚本解析器和脚本执行器。您可以随意使用我们的脚本标记语言格式,或更改、传播、更改后重分发,即使是出自商业目的。但若您将 FlowtopiaScript 重分发,您所选择的许可或许可证对商业使用的限制可以与本许可不同,但不得限制他人出自非商用目的地对您重分发内容的使用。

We (the final copyright holder is はなちゃん) hold the complete copyright of FlowtopiaScript - including the script markup language format, script parser, and script executor. You are free to use our script markup language format, or modify, disseminate, and redistribute after modification, even for commercial purposes. However, if you redistribute FlowtopiaScript, the license you choose may have different restrictions on commercial use from this license, but it must not restrict others from using your redistributed content for non-commercial purposes.

Quickly start


See Quickly Start.
