Flowsqy / CustomRaids

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Bukkit plugin that work as a plugin for CustomEvents. It spawns custom entities and create a chest with custom rewards when every entity is killed.

CustomEvents configuration

The type of the event is raids

The event section :

    name: <world-name>
    alias: <world-alias>
    radius: <world-radius>
    min-radius: <world-min-radius>
      - <cancelled-biome-1>
      - <cancelled-biome-2>
      - ...
    <entity-1>: <entity>
    <entity-2>: <entity>
      enable: <bar-enable>
      title: <bar-title>
      color: <bar-color>
      radius: <bar-radius>
      enable: <topkill-enable>
      radius: <topkill-radius>
      message: <topkill-message>
      type: <topkill-type>
        message: <topkill-permanent-message>
        radius: <topkill-permanent-radius>
      enable: <timer-enable>
      timer: <timer-value>
      message: <timer-message>
    <item-1>: <item>
    <item-2>: <item>
    start: <message-start>
    end: <message-end>

# Where:
# World:
# <world-name> [String] : The world name (which is also the world folder name) where the event should take place
# <world-alias> [String] : The name of the world. It supports colors.
# <world-radius> [integer] : The radius of the circle where the event should take place.
#   Its center is the world spawn. Every position contained in this circle is valid and chosen randomly.
# <world-min-radius> [integer] : The radius of the circle where the event can not take place.
#   Its center is the world spawn.
# <cancelled-biome-n> [https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/block/Biome.html] :
#   A biome where the event can't start. You can have as many cancelled biome as you want.
# Entities:
# <entity-n> : The key of an entity. You can have as many entities as you want. The key just need to be unique.
# <entity> [https://github.com/Flowsqy/AbstractMob] :
#   An AbstractMob entity. Represent an entity that will be spawned.
# Progression bar:
# <bar-enable> [boolean] : Whether the progression bar should be used
# <bar-title> [String] : The progression bar title. It supports colors
#   There are few placeholders for the title : 
#     '%max_entities%' : The count of spawned entities
#     '%entities%'     : The count of remaining entities
#     '%proportion%'   : The proportion of remaining mob from spawned mob
#     '%percentage%'   : The percentage representing the above proportion
# <bar-color> [https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/boss/BarColor.html] : 
#   The color of the progression bar
# <bar-radius> [integer] : The radius of the circle where players see the progression bar
#   Set it to 0 will show the bar to every player on the world where the event take place.
#   Set it to a negative number will show the bar to every player on the server
# Top killer message:
# <topkill-enable> [boolean] : Whether the top kill message should be displayed
# <topkill-message> [String] : The message to send
#   %count% will be replaced by the kill count of the top killer
#   %player% will be replaced by the name of the top killer
# <topkill-radius> [integer] : The radius of the circle where players see the message
#   Set it to 0 will show the message to every player on the world where the event take place.
#   Set it to a negative number will show the message to every player on the server
# <topkill-type> [https://javadoc.io/doc/net.md-5/bungeecord-chat/latest/net/md_5/bungee/api/ChatMessageType.html] : 
#   The type of message to send. 'CHAT' by default
# <topkill-permanent-message> [String] : The message to send permanently in action bar during the event.
#   Keep it empty to disable it. It supports colors
# <topkill-permanent-radius> [integer] : The radius for the permanent message.
#   See the <topkill-radius> property for more details.
# Timer:
# <timer-enable> [boolean] : Whether the timer should be used
# <timer-value> [integer] : The time in second before the raid end
# <timer-message> [String] : The message to send to every player when the timer is out
#   Keep it empty to disable it. It supports colors.
#   %x% and %z% will be replaced with the x and y coordinates of the event.
#   %world% will be replaced with the world name given above.
# Rewards:
# <item-n> : The key of a reward. You can have as many entities as you want. The key just need to be unique.
# <item> [https://github.com/Flowsqy/AbstractMenu] (Inventory section) :
#   Representing a reward item. 
#   This section is deserialized like a AbstractMenu inventory.
#   As the items will be in a chest, title and line are ignored.
# Messages:
# <message-start> [String] : The start message. It supports colors.
#   %x% and %z% will be replaced with the x and y coordinates of the event.
#   %world% will be replaced with the world name given above.
# <message-end> [String] : The end message. It supports colors.
#   %x% and %z% will be replaced with the x and y coordinates of the event.
#   %world% will be replaced with the world name given above.

For example:

    day: 1
    hour: 18
    minute: 0

type: raids

  command-id: "easy-raid"
    - "A little raid"

    name: world
    alias: "overworld"
    radius: 300
    min-radius: 20
      type: ZOMBIE
      quantity: 5
      radius: 4
        keep-when-far-away: true
      type: SKELETON
      quantity: 2
      radius: 4
        keep-when-far-away: true
      type: CREEPER
      quantity: 1
      radius: 4
        keep-when-far-away: true
        charged: true
        - 13
        type: APPLE
        amount: 1
    start: "&6The raid starts at &a%x% %z% &6in the &a%world%"
    end: "&6The raid ends at &a%x% %z% &6in the &a%world%&6. You can collect your rewards"


Just clone the repository and do mvn clean install or mvn clean package. The jar is in the target directory.


License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%