FlorisHoogenboom / keras-han-for-docla

An implementation of Hierchical Attention Networks for Document Classification in Keras.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains a Keras implementation of the network presented in Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification by Zichao Yang, Diyi Yang, Chris Dyer, Xiaodong He, Alex Smola, and Eduard Hovy (2016). The implementation in this repository should be fully backend agnostic.

Short description of the network

The idea of this network is to summarize a whole text into a single vector by first summarizing each sentence into a vector and subsequently summarizing these representations of sentences. For a technical description of the network we refer to the aforementioned paper.

How to use

First clone this repository and run pip install . in the root of this repository. Next, you can import the model simply by running

from keras_han.model import HAN

and instantiate and use it by

han = HAN(
    max_words=100, max_sentences=15, output_size=2, 
    embedding_matrix={your embedding matrix}


This should output something like

Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
input_1 (InputLayer)         (None, 15, 100)           0         
word_encoder (TimeDistribute (None, 15, 100, 200)      82404     
word_attention (TimeDistribu (None, 15, 200)           20100     
sentence_encoder (Model)     (None, 15, 200)           240800    
sentence_attention (Attentio (None, 200)               20100     
class_prediction (Dense)     (None, 2)                 402       
Total params: 363,806
Trainable params: 363,802
Non-trainable params: {pretrained params in your embedding matrix}

To instantiate the model you need to provide a few parameters. Here we list only the important ones, for the full list of parameters please see the docsting of the HAN class.

  • max_words: The maximum number of words per sentence you wish to allow
  • max_sentences: The maximum number of sentences you wish to allow for one example
  • output_size: The number of output classes
  • embedding_matrix: The word embedding matrix you wish to use in the network's word encoder.

Once you have instantiated the HAN class, you can simply call fit, predict and evaluate on this object. Actually, your HAN instance is just a Keras model so you can use all features Keras offers.

How to structure your data

Since this model needs to distinguish between sentences, the input format of this model is a bit different from most models you may be used to in NLP. Your data should be structured into a 3d-tensor with dimensions (num_obs, max_sentences, max_words). Each entry in this matrix should be a representation of a single token. This matrix may be zero-padded to allow for sorter sentences/texts.

Gettting the attention weights

One of the best features of models with attention is that you can better understand what "drives" the model. The implementation of the HAN model given here has support for visualizing the sentence attention weights. For this simply call han.predict_sentence_attention(X) with your input data. This returns a 2d-numpy array of dimensions (num_samples, max_sentences). To give you an idea, the example below shows the attentions per sentence for a short IMDB review.

this movie is full of references.  --  Attention: 0.13
like mad max ii, the wild one and many others.  --  Attention: 0.06
the ladybug´s face it´s a clear reference (or tribute) to peter lorre.  --  Attention: 0.07
this movie is a masterpiece.  --  Attention: 0.31
we´ll talk much more about in the future.  --  Attention: 0.08

Currently, there is no support to get the word-level attentions. However, feel free to create a PR to add those!


In /examples you can find an example script how to apply this model on IMDB's review data. For this two files need to be downloaded. The embeddings can be downloaded here and the data to IMDB review data can be found here.

Loading a saved model

The network can simply be saved like any Keras model (e.g. using training callbacks or simply by calling han.save(...) on your model). To load a saved model you need to provide Keras with the custom model and layers provided in this repo.

from keras_han.model import HAN
from keras_han.layers import AttentionLayer
from keras.models import load_model
han = load_model({file_path}, custom_objects={
    'HAN': HAN,
    'AttentionLayer': AttentionLayer

Example use cases

The examples attached to this repo contain a simple application on a sentiment classification problem. Also, I've applied this network to classify parts of legal texts (my motivation for implementing this). I would love to hear your use cases.


To run tests make sure you first run pip install .[tests] in the root of this repository. You can kick-off the test suite by just running pytest.


An implementation of Hierchical Attention Networks for Document Classification in Keras.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%