FlorianWilhelm / bigquery-programmatic-sql

Use Google BigQuery with Programmatic SQL by SQLAlchemy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Google BigQuery with Programmatic SQL by SQLAlchemy

Read the notebook or install the environment to try it out yourself.


In order to set up the necessary environment:

  1. review and uncomment what you need in environment.yml and create an environment bigquery-sqla with the help of conda:
    conda env create -f environment.yml
  2. activate the new environment with:
    conda activate bigquery-sqla
  3. run jupyter lab and access the notebook.


This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.0. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see https://pyscaffold.org/.


Use Google BigQuery with Programmatic SQL by SQLAlchemy

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%