Floflobel / MUMC

Multi-User Media Cleaner aka MUMC (pronounced Mew-Mick) will go through movies, tv episodes, audio tracks, and audiobooks in your Emby/Jellyfin libraries and delete media items you no longer want to keep.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support For MUMC v3.x.x Ending 2023 March 01st.

Multi-User Media Cleaner

Multi-User Media Cleaner aka MUMC (pronounced Mew-Mick) will go through movies, tv episodes, audio tracks, and audiobooks in your Emby/Jellyfin libraries and delete media items you no longer want taking up disk space.

What Files Are Included?


This is the main file. Without it you would still be looking for ways to automatically delete the media items you no longer want hanging around.


Optional: Before running the script for the first time; you can edit this file to customize the default values used when mumc_config.py is created. But do not worry if you forget to do this, you can always manually edit mumc_config.py after it is created.



mumc_config.py, also referred to as the configuration file, is created the first time the script runs. Once it has been cretaed it will be what you edit to configure MUMC to delete the media items you want it to delete and keep the media items you want to keep.

Cool! How Do I Use This?

Step 1: What is a Filter Statement?

  • A Filter Statement is a simple way to tell the script how to find and delete media items taking up your disk space.
    • This also means the media items not matching the Filter Statement are kept safe for watching later.

Step 2: The basics of building a generic Filter Statement.

Generic Filter Statement Parts (each media type has their own Filter Statement Parts):

  • Part #1 - Condition Days
  • Part #2 - Played Count Inequality
  • Part #3 - Played Count

Starting with a generic Filter Statement:

  • Delete media items Played/Created at least Part #1 days ago with a played count Part #2 Part #3.

    • Example A: Filling in the blanks for a generic media items played Filter Statement:

      • Part #1** - 60
      • Part #2** - >=
      • Part #3** - 1
        • Delete media items played at least 60 days ago with a played count >= 1.
    • Example B: Filling in the blanks for a generic media items created Filter Statement:

      • Part #1 - 3650
      • Part #2 - <
      • Part #3 - 2
        • Delete media items created at least 3650 days ago with a played count < 2.

Step 3: Building Filter Statements for specific media types.

  • Delete movies played at least 22 days ago with a played count >= 1.

    • movie_played_days=22
    • movie_played_count_comparison='>='
    • movie_played_count=1
  • Delete episodes played at least 55 days ago with a played count not <= 0.

    • episode_played_days=55
    • episode_played_count_comparison='not <='
    • episode_played_count=0
  • Delete audio tracks played at least 123 days ago with a played count == 4.

    • audio_played_days=123
    • audio_played_count_comparison='=='
    • audio_played_count=4
  • Delete episodes created at least 3456 days ago with a played count > 0.

    • episode_created_days=3456
    • episode_created_played_count_comparison='>'
    • episode_created_played_count=0
  • Delete movies created at least 4567 days ago with a played count not == 0.

    • movie_created_days=4567
    • movie_created_played_count_comparison='not =='
    • movie_created_played_count=0
  • Delete audio tracks created at least 5678 days ago with a played count not >= 11.

    • audio_created_days=5678
    • audio_created_played_count_comparison='not >='
    • audio_created_played_count=11

There are many possible combinations!

Step 4: The dangers of ill-thought-out Filter Statements.

You are SOLEY RESPONSIBLE if you misconfigure your Filter Statement and delete large portions of your library. I recommend staying in dry-run mode until you are certain things are working exactly as you want them to.

!!!DANGEROUS Filter Examples Below BEWARE!!!

What you NEVER want to do is to set *_created_days=TO_SOME_LOW_NUMBER. Doing this WILL delete MOST if not ALL of your library.

Never do this unless you are 1000% confident it is doing exactly what you expect:
  • Delete movies created at least 0 days ago...

    • movie_created_days=0
    • ...
  • Delete episodes created at least 1 day ago...

    • episode_created_days=1
    • ...
  • Delete audio track created at least 2 days ago...

    • audio_created_days=2
    • ...
  • Delete movie created at least 3 days ago...

    • movie_created_days=3
    • ...

You get the point right?

Step 5: A couple things to remember when building Filter Statements

Filter Statements implying negative played counts will be evaluted as *_played_count=0 (i.e. unplayed media items).

  • ...with a played count < 0.

    • ...
    • episode_played_count_comparison='<'
    • episode_played_count=0
  • ...with a played count not >= 0.

    • ...
    • movie_created_played_count_comparison='not >='
    • movie_created_played_count=0

Played Filter Statements overlapping zero and postive numbered played counts will only delete the media items with postive numbered played counts (i.e. the played media items).

  • Delete episodes played at least # days ago with a played count <= 1.

    • ...
    • episode_played_count_comparison='<='
    • episode_played_count=1
  • Delete movies played at least # days ago with a played count >= 0.

    • ...
    • movie_played_count_comparison='>='
    • movie_played_count=0

Step 6: Example Filter Statements

Filter Statement to delete movies played 90 or more days ago.

  • Delete movies played at least 90 days ago with a played count >= 1.
    • movie_played_days=90
    • movie_played_count_comparison='>='
    • movie_played_count=1

Filter Statement to delete episodes played less than twice, 30 or more days ago.

  • Delete episodes played at least 30 days ago with a played count < 2.
    • episode_played_days=30
    • episode_played_count_comparison='<'
    • episode_played_count=2

Filter Statement to delete "old" played and unplayed movies.

  • Delete movies created at least 365 days ago with a played count >= 0.
    • movie_created_days=365
    • movie_created_played_count_comparison='>='
    • movie_created_played_count=0

Filter Statement to delete "old" unplayed episodes.

  • Delete episodes created at least 365 days ago with a played count == 0.
    • episode_created_days=365
    • episode_created_played_count_comparison='=='
    • episode_created_played_count=0

Filter Statement to delete "old" played episodes.

  • Delete episodes created at least 365 days ago with a played count not == 0.
    • episode_created_days=365
    • episode_created_played_count_comparison='not =='
    • episode_created_played_count=0

Using Both Played And Created Filter Statements Together:

Filter Statement to delete movies played exactly once, 60 or more days ago.

Combined with...

Filter Statement to delete unplayed movies created 180 or more days ago.

  • Delete movies played at least 60 days ago with a played count == 1.

    • movie_played_days=60
    • movie_played_count_comparison='=='
    • movie_played_count=1
  • Delete movies created at least 180 days ago with a played count == 0.

    • movie_created_days=180
    • movie_created_played_count_comparison='=='
    • movie_created_played_count=0

Contents Of The Configuration File

Basic Configuration File Variables

Part #1 of the Filter Statement: Condition Days

# Condition Days: Delete media items last played or created at least this many days ago
#   0-730500 - Number of days filter will use to determine when the media items was
#              last played or when the media item was created
#  -1 - To disable deleting specified media type
# (-1 : default)



Part #2 of the Filter Statement: Played Count Inequality

# Played Count Inequality: Delete media items within this range based off of the chosen *_played_count.
#   > - Filter media items with a played count greater than *_played_count days ago
#   < - Filter media items with a played count less than *_played_count days ago
#   >= - Filter media items with a played count greater than or equal to *_played_count days ago
#   <= - Filter media items with a played count less than or equal to *_played_count days ago
#   == - Filter media items with a played count equal to *_played_count days ago
#   not > - Filter media items with a played count not greater than *_played_count days ago
#   not < - Filter media items with a played count not less than *_played_count days ago
#   not >= - Filter media items with a played count not greater than or equal to *_played_count days ago
#   not <= - Filter media items with a played count not less than or equal to *_played_count days ago
#   not == - Filter media items with a played count not equal to *_played_count days ago
# (>= : default)



Part #3 of the Filter Statement: Play Count

# Played Count: Delete media items with a played count relative to this number.
#   0-730500 - Number of times a media item has been played
# (1 : default)



Advanced Configuration File Variables

Option for determining if a media item should be deleted or kept based on individual users' or all users' play counts:

# Decide how play count with multiple users will behave
#  0 - ok to delete media item when ANY monitored users meet the
#      *_play_count_comparison and *_play_count
#  1 - ok to delete media item when ALL monitored users meet the
#      *_play_count_comparison and *_play_count
# (0 : default)

Option for determining if a media item should be deleted or kept based on individual users' or all users' played days:

# Decide how play state with multiple users will behave
#  0 - ok to delete media item when ANY monitored users meet the *_played_days
#  1 - ok to delete media item when ALL monitored users meet the *_played_days
# (0 : default)

When enabled, media will not be deleted if it is marked as a favorite:

# Decide if media set as a favorite should be deleted
# Favoriting a series, season, or network-channel will treat all child episodes as if they are favorites
# Favoriting an artist, album-artist, or album will treat all child tracks as if they are favorites
# Similar logic applies for other media types (movies, audio books, etc...)
#  0 - ok to delete media items set as a favorite
#  1 - when single user - do not delete media items when set as a favorite; when multi-user - do not delete media item when all monitored users have set it as a favorite
#  2 - when single user - not applicable; when multi-user - do not delete media item when any monitored users have it set as a favorite
# (1 : default)

Option for determining if a media item should be deleted or kept based on other users' whitelisted libraries:

# Decide how whitelists with multiple users behave
#  0 - do not delete media item when ANY monitored users have the parent library whitelisted
#  1 - do not delete media item when ALL monitored users have the parent library whitelisted
# (0 : default)

Blacktag a media item to be deleted after it is played:

# User entered blacktag name; chosen during setup
#  Use a comma ',' to seperate multiple tag names
#   Ex: tagname,tag name,tag-name
#  Backslash '\' not allowed
blacktag='black_tagname,black_tag name,black_tag-name'

When enabled, blacktagged media will not be deleted until ALL users have played it:

# Decide when blacktagged media items are deleted
#  0 - ok to delete blacktagged media item after ANY monitored user has played it
#  1 - ok to delete blacktagged media item after ALL monitored users have played it
# (0 : default)

Whitetag a media item to be kept after it is played:

# User entered whitetag name; chosen during setup
#  Use a comma ',' to seperate multiple tag names
#   Ex: tagname,tag name,tag-name
#  Backslash '\' not allowed
whitetag='white_tagname,white_tag name,white_tag-name'

At least this many episodes will remain in each tv series; Does not care about played or unplayed states:

# Decide the minimum number of episodes to remain in all tv series'
# This value applies to both played and unplayed episodes
#  0 - Episodes will be deleted based on the Filter Statement
#  1-730500 - Episodes will be deleted based on the Filter Statement; unless
#              the remaining played and unplayed episodes are less than or equal
#              to the chosen value
# (0 : default)

At least this many played episodes will remain in each tv series:

# Decide the minimum number of played episodes to remain in all tv series'
# Keeping one or more played epsiodes for each series allows the "Next Up"
#  functionality to notify user(s) when a new episode for a series
#  is available
# This value applies only to played and episodes
#  0 - Episodes will be deleted based on the Filter Statement
#  1-730500 - Episodes will be deleted based on the Filter Statement; unless
#              the remaining played episodes are less than or equal to the
#              chosen value
# (0 : default)

Set the behavior of minimum_number_episodes and/or minimum_number_played_episodes:

# Decide how 'minimum_number_episodes' and 'minimum_number_played_episodes' will behave
# The minimum number of played and unplayed episodes will vary for each user and for each
#  series when multiple users are playing the same series at different paces.
# The following option gives a mechanism to control this in different ways.
# The 'minimum_number_episodes' and 'minimum_number_played_episodes' will be based off of...
#  'User's Name' - The UserName specified; If matching UserName not found script will assume default.
#  'User's Id' - The UserId specified; If matching UserName not found script will assume default.
#  'Max Played' - The first user with the highest number of played episodes to be deleted for each series.
#  'Min Played' - The first user with the lowest number of played episodes to be deleted for each series.
#  'Max Unplayed' - The first user with the highest number of unplayed episodes to be deleted for each series.
#  'Min Unplayed' - The first user with the lowest number of unplayed episodes to be deleted for each series.
# The Max/Min Played/Unplayed values can be mixed and matched. For example...
#  'Max Unplayed Min Played' - The number played episodes to be deleted is based off the user
#                                with the highest number of unplayed episodes to be deleted for a
#                                specified series. The number of unplayed episodes to be deleted is
#                                based off the user with the lowest number of played episodes to be
#                                deleted for a specified series.
# ('Min Played Min Unplayed' : default)
minimum_number_episodes_behavior='Min Played Min Unplayed'

Deleting media items is disabled by default:

# Must be a boolean True or False value
#  False - Disables the ability to delete media (dry run mode)
#  True - Enable the ability to delete media
# (False : default)

Keep movie if genre favorited:

# Advanced movie genre configurations
#     Requires 'keep_favorites_movie=1'
#  Keep movie based on the genres
#  0 - ok to delete movie when genres are set as a favorite
#  1 - keep movie if FIRST genre listed is set as a favorite
#  2 - keep movie if ANY genre listed is set as a favorite
# (0 : default)

Keep episode if genre or studio-network favorited:

# Advanced episode genre/studio-network configurations
#     Requires 'keep_favorites_episode=1'
#  Keep episode based on the genre(s) or studio-network(s)
#  0 - ok to delete episode when its genres or studio-networks are set as a favorite
#  1 - keep episode if FIRST genre or studio-network is set as a favorite
#  2 - keep episode if ANY genres or studio-networks are set as a favorite
# (0 : default)

Keep track if genre or artist favorited:

# Advanced track genre/artist configurations
#     Requires 'keep_favorites_audio=1'
#  Keep track based on the genre(s) or artist(s)
#  0 - ok to delete track when its genres or artists are set as a favorite
#  1 - keep track if FIRST genre or artist is set as a favorite
#  2 - keep track if ANY genres or artists are set as a favorite
# (0 : default)

Keep audio book track if genre or author favorited:

# Advanced audio book track genre/author configurations
#     Requires 'keep_favorites_audiobook=1'
#  Keep audio book track based on the genres or authors
#  0 - ok to delete audio book track when its genres or authors are set as a favorite
#  1 - keep audio book track if FIRST genre or author is set as a favorite
#  2 - keep audio book track if ANY genres or authors are set as a favorite
# (0 : default)

Control output printed to the console

# Enable/Disable console outputs by type
#  Should the script print its output to the console
#  False - Do not print this output type to the console
#  True - Print this output type to the console
# (True : default)

Add LastPlayedDate for media items without it

# Add last played date for items missing the LastPlayedDate data
# When played state is imported from Trakt the LastPlayedDate is
#  not populated. To allow the script to maintain functionality
#  the current date and time the script is run can be used as the
#  LastPlayedDate value.
#  0 - Do not set the LastPlayedDate; days since played will show as
#        the number of days since 1970-Jan-01 00:00:00hrs for any media
#        items missng the LastPlayedDate data.
#  1 - Set the LastPlayedDate; the current date-time the script is
#        run will be saved as the LastPlayedDate for any media items
#        missing the LastPlayedDate data. Only media items missing the
#        LastPlayedDate data are modified
# (1 : default)

Edit user to library assocations using current config

# Set to True to add new users or edit existing users
# Must be a boolean True or False value
#  False - Operate normally
#  True  - Enable configuration editor mode; will NOT delete media items
#           Resets to dry run mode (REMOVE_FILES=False)
# (False : default)

Automatically Created Configuration File Variables

#---------!!!DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING BELOW!!!----------------#
# These are automatically created during setup.
#   If you do not know EXACTLY what you are doing, changing these
#      can and will cause script failure.
#   The only way to recover from script failure is to revert the
#      config back to the way it was OR rebuilding a new config.

Needed for differences between Emby and Jellyfin

# Server branding; chosen during setup
#  0 - 'emby'
#  1 - 'jellyfin'

Full URL of media server

# Server URL; created during setup

Server authentication key

# Authentication Key; requested from server during setup
#  Used for API queries sent to the server
#  Also know as an Access Token

How were libraries selected during setup?

# Decide how the script will use the libraries chosen for each user
#  Only used during creation or editing of the configuration file
#  0 - blacklist - Chosen libraries will be blacklisted
#                  All other libraries will be whitelisted
#  1 - whitelist - Chosen libraries will be whitelisted
#                  All other libraries will be blacklisted
# (blacklist : default)

How will media items be matched to their respective libraries?

# Decide how the script will match media items to the blacklisted and whiteliested libraries
#  0 - byId - Media items will be matched to libraries using 'LibraryIds'
#  1 - byPath - Media items will be matched to libraries using 'Paths'
#  2 - byNetworkPath - Media items will be matched to libraries using 'NetworkPaths'
# Filtering byId does not apply to the rules below.
# Filtering byPath requires no shared network folders are configured.
#  When this is true Emby/Jellyfin return a path for each media item.
# Filtering byNetworkPath requires shared network folders are configured.
#  When this is true Emby/Jellyfin return a newtork path for each media item.
# (byId : default)

UserId for each monitored user

# User UserName(s) and UserId(s) of monitored account(s); chosen during setup
# The order of the UserName(s):UserId(s) here must match the order of the
#  UserId(s)/UserNames(s) in user_bl_libs and user_wl_libs
user_keys='["user1:abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789", "user2:fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210", "user3:9876543210fedcba9876543210fedcba", "etc..."]'

Blacklisted library information

# Blacklisted libraries with corresponding user keys(s)
# These libraries are typically searched for media items to delete
# Chosen during setup
user_bl_libs='[{"userid": "abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789", "username": "user1", "#": {"libid": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff", "collectiontype": "abc", "networkpath": "smb://some/netpath/0", "path": "/some/path/0"}, "#": {"libid": "aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899", "collectiontype": "def", "networkpath": "smb://some/netpath/1", "path": "/some/path/1"}}, {"etc...": "etc...", "#": {"etc...":"etc..."}}]'

Whitelisted library information

# Whitelisted libraries with corresponding user keys(s)
# These libraries are typically not searched for media items to delete
# Chosen during setup
user_wl_libs='[{"userid": "abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789", "username": "user1", "#": {"libid": "ffeeddccbbaa99887766554433221100", "collectiontype": "uvw", "networkpath": "smb://some/netpath/2", "path": "/some/path/2"}, "#": {"libid": "998877665544332211ffeeddccbbaa", "collectiontype": "xyz", "networkpath": "smb://some/netpath/3", "path": "/some/path/3"}}, {"etc...": "etc...", "#": {"etc...":"etc..."}}]'

Number of times to send an API query before giving up

# API query attempts
# Number of times to retry an API request
#  Delay between initial attempt and the first retry is 1 second
#  The delay will double with each attempt after the first retry
#  Delay between the orginal request and retry #1 is (2^0) 1 second
#  Delay between retry #1 and retry #2 is (2^1) 2 seconds
#  Delay between retry #2 and retry #3 is (2^2) 4 seconds
#  Delay between retry #3 and retry #4 is (2^3) 8 seconds
#  Delay between retry #4 and retry #5 is (2^4) 16 seconds
#  Delay between retry #5 and retry #6 is (2^5) 32 seconds
#  ...
#  Delay between retry #15 and retry #16 is (2^15) 32768 seconds
#  0-16 - number of retry attempts
#  (4 : default)

Throttle how aggressively the script sends queries

# API query item limit
# To keep the server running smoothly we do not want it to return a
#  large amount of metadata from a single API query
# If the server lags or bogs down when this script runs try lowering
#  this value to allow the server to return smaller amounts of data
# ALL media items and their metadata are processed regardless of this value
#  1-10000 - maximum number of media items the server will return for each API query
#  (25 : default)

Amount of RAM used for caching API requests

# API cache maximum size
# This is a crude FIFO RAM cache
# To keep the script running efficiently we do not want to send the
#  same requests to the server repeatedly
# If the script is running slowly during media item collection for each user try
#  increasing the cache size
# Recommend NOT to exceed more than 20% of the server's total RAM
# If the cache is smaller than any single reponse, that response will
#  not be cached
# During testing on the developlment server, 1MB of cache is better
#  than 0MB of cache
# It is recommened to disable the cache if the server is not able to
#  spare an extra 1MB of RAM
# MegaByte Sizing Reference
#  1MB = 1048576 Bytes
#  1000MB = 1GB
#  10000MB = 10GB
#  0 - Disable cache
#  1-10000 - Size of cache in megabytes (MB)
#  (20 : default)


# Must be a boolean True or False value or an integer 0 thru 4
#  Debug log file save to: /the/script/directory/mumc_DEBUG.log
#  The debug log file can be large (i.e. 10s to 100s of MBytes)
#  Recommend only enabling DEBUG when necessary
#  False - Debug messages disabled
#   0 - Debug messages disabled
#  True - Level 1 debug messages enabled
#   1 - Level 1 debug messaging enabled
#   2 - Level 2 debug messaging enabled
#   3 - Level 3 debug messaging enabled
#   4 - Level 4 debug messaging enabled
# (0 : default)

Delete Or Keep Priorities Of A Media Item

  1. Favorites & Whitetags (Highest Priority)
    • Media item will be kept
      • Blacktags ignored
      • Whitelists ignored
      • Blacklists ignored
  2. Blacktags
    • Media item will be deleted
      • Whitelists ignored
      • Blacklists ignored
  3. Whitelists
    • Media item will be kept
      • Blacklists ignored
  4. Blacklists (Lowest priority)
    • Media item will be deleted

Blacklisting vs Whitelisting

Blacktagging vs Whitetagging

Minimum Number of Episodes vs Minimum Number of Played Episodes

Library Matching By Id, By Path, or By Network Path

Known Limitations

  • When importing played states from Trakt the days since played shown in the console output will not show the correct value.
    • This is an issue with the last played date not being filled in when played states are imported from Trakt to Emby/Jellyfin.
    • The script is able to compensate for this using the *_set_missing_last_played_date options.


  • Linux, Windows, or MAC
    • I do not have a Mac to confirm; but should be similiar to Linux
  • Python 3.10
    • Older versions of python 3.x will likely work; but are not supported
    • Python 2.x or earlier are not supported and will not work
  • python-dateutil must be installed
  • Emby/Jellyfin need to have OS level permissions on Linux machines to delete media items: Read This Post

First Run (Debian, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint)

  • Install Python version mentioned in the 'Requirements' section above
    • If this version of Python is not already installed do NOT overwrite the defaul OS Python version
    • Instead use the link below to create an alternate install of Python
  • Verify your Python verison
    • $python3 -V
  • Next install the python-dateutil module with the following commands:
    • $sudo apt-get upgrade -y
    • $sudo apt-get install python3-pip -y
    • $pip3 install -U pip
    • $pip3 install python-dateutil
  • *OPTIONAL* Use a text editor to update the mumc_config_defaults.py file with desired default values
    • $nano /path/to/mumc_config_defaults.py
  • Make the script executable
    • $chmod +x /path/to/mumc.py
  • Run the script
    • $/path/to/python3.x /path/to/mumc.py
  • First time the script is run, it will walk through creating the mumc_config.py file
  • If you get the below python error the python-dateutil module was not properly installed
    • ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dateutil' python-dateutil

First Run (Windows)

  • Download the latest MUMC.zip
  • Move the MUMC.zip to your user's directory (below path assumes your username is Zoomies)
    • C:\Users\Zoomies
  • Extract MUMC.zip
    • There should now be a MUMC folder
    • C:\Users\Zoomies\MUMC
  • Next go to https://www.python.org/ and install the python version shown in the Requirements section
  • After python is installed; open a command window
    • Select: The Start Menu
    • Type: cmd
    • Press: Enter key
  • Using the command window, install the python-dateutil module
    • Type: pip install python-dateutil
  • After the python-dateutil module is installed keep the command window open
  • Change current working directory of the command window to the C:\Users\Zoomies\MUMC folder using the command below
    • Type: cd C:\Users\Zoomies\MUMC
  • Now run the script in the command window using the command below
    • Type: python mumc.py
    • Follow the script prompts
      • First time the script is run, it will walk through creating the mumc_config.py file in C:\Users\Zoomies\MUMC folder
  • After the mumc_config.py file is created it can be edited in a text editor (e.g. Notepad, Notepad++, Visual Studio, UltraEdit, etc...)
  • Once mumc_config.py is configured as desired, run the script again using the same command from above
    • Type: python mumc.py

First Run (Other Operating Systems)

  • Please consult your favorite search engine

Schedule To Run Using Crontab (Debian, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint)

  • Below cron entry runs mumc.py everyday at 00:00hrs (aka 12:00am)
    • $0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/python3.10 /opt/mumc/mumc.py
  • Below cron entry runs mumc.py every Monday at 01:23hrs (aka 1:23)am and saves the output to a file called mumc.log in the /var/log/ directory
    • $23 1 * * 1 /usr/local/bin/python3.10 /opt/mumc/mumc.py > /var/log/mumc.log 2>&1

Schedule To Run (Windows)

  • Please consult your favorite search engine for a Windows task scheduler

Schedule To Run (Other Operating Systems)

  • Please consult your favorite search engine


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Multi-User Media Cleaner aka MUMC (pronounced Mew-Mick) will go through movies, tv episodes, audio tracks, and audiobooks in your Emby/Jellyfin libraries and delete media items you no longer want to keep.


Language:Python 100.0%