FlipsideCrypto / fsc-utils

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Flipside Utility Functions

Dbt repo for managing the Flipside Utility Functions (FSC_UTILS) dbt package.


To control the creation of UDF or SP macros with dbt run:

  • UPDATE_UDFS_AND_SPS When True, executes all macros included in the on-run-start hooks within dbt_project.yml on model run as normal When False, none of the on-run-start macros are executed on model run

Default values are False

  • Usage: dbt run --var 'UPDATE_UDFS_AND_SPS": True' -m ...

Dropping and creating udfs can also be done without running a model:

dbt run-operation create_udfs --var 'UPDATE_UDFS_AND_SPS": True' --args 'drop_:false'
dbt run-operation create_udfs --var 'UPDATE_UDFS_AND_SPS": True' --args 'drop_:true'

Adding Release Versions

  1. Make the necessary changes to your code in your dbt package repository (e.g., fsc-utils).
  2. Commit your changes with git add . and git commit -m "Your commit message".
  3. Tag your commit with a version number using git tag -a v1.1.0 -m "version 1.1.0".
  4. Push your commits to the remote repository with git push origin ....
  5. Push your tags to the remote repository with git push origin --tags.
  6. In the packages.yml file of your other dbt project, specify the new version of the package with:
  - git: "https://github.com/FlipsideCrypto/fsc-utils.git"
    revision: "v1.1.0"
  1. Run dbt deps in the other dbt project to pull the specific version of the package or follow the steps on adding the dbt package below.

Regarding Semantic Versioning;

  1. Semantic versioning is a versioning scheme for software that aims to convey meaning about the underlying changes with each new release.
  2. It's typically formatted as MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (e.g. v1.2.3), where:
  • MAJOR version (first number) should increment when there are potential breaking or incompatible changes.
  • MINOR version (second number) should increment when functionality or features are added in a backwards-compatible manner.
  • PATCH version (third number) should increment when bug fixes are made without adding new features.
  1. Semantic versioning helps package users understand the degree of changes in a new release, and decide when to adopt new versions. With dbt packages, when you tag a release with a semantic version, users can specify the exact version they want to use in their projects.

Adding the fsc_utils dbt package

The fsc_utils dbt package is a centralized repository consisting of various dbt macros and snowflake functions that can be utilized across other repos.

  1. Navigate to the create_udfs.sql macro in your respective repo where you want to install the package.
  2. Add the following:
{% set name %}
{{- fsc_utils.create_udfs() -}}
{% endset %}
{% do run_query(sql) %}
  1. Note: fsc_utils.create_udfs() takes two parameters (drop_=False, schema="utils"). Set drop_ to True to drop existing functions or define schema for the functions (default set to utils). Params not required.
  2. Navigate to packages.yml in your respective repo.
  3. Add the following:
- git: https://github.com/FlipsideCrypto/fsc-utils.git
  1. Run dbt deps to install the package
  2. Run the macro dbt run-operation create_udfs --var '{"UPDATE_UDFS_AND_SPS":True}'

Overview of Available Functions

UTILS Functions

  • utils.udf_hex_to_int: Use this UDF to transform any hex string to integer
    ex: Curve Swaps
        regexp_substr_all(SUBSTR(DATA, 3, len(DATA)), '.{64}') AS segmented_data,
        utils.hex_to_int(segmented_data [1] :: STRING) :: INTEGER AS tokens_sold
        topics [0] :: STRING IN (
  • utils.udf_hex_to_string: Use this UDF to transform any hexadecimal string to a regular string, removing any non-printable or control characters from the resulting string.
    ex: Token Names
    WITH base AS (
        '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005452617265202d204368616e74616c20486167656c202d20576f6d656e2773204575726f2032303232202d2032303232205371756164202d20576f6d656e2773204e6174696f6e616c205465616d202d2032303232000000000000000000000000' AS input_token_name
        utils.udf_hex_to_string(SUBSTR(input_token_name,(64*2+3),LEN(input_token_name))) AS output_token_name
    FROM base;
    NOTE: The expression 64 * 2 + 3 in the query navigates to the 131st character of the hexadecimal string returned by an EVM blockchain contract's function, skipping metadata and adjusting for Snowflake's 1-based indexing. Keep in mind that the exact start of relevant data may vary between different contracts and functions.

LiveQuery Functions

LiveQuery is now available to be deployed into individual projects. For base functionality, you will need to deploy the core functions using dbt run in your project and reference the path to the LiveQuery schema or by tag.

Basic Setup

  1. Make sure fsc-utils package referenced in the project is version v1.8.0 or greater. Re-run dbt deps if revision was changed.

  2. Deploy the core LiveQuery functions by schema or tag

    By Schema

    dbt run -s livequery_models.deploy.core --vars '{UPDATE_UDFS_AND_SPS: true}'

    By Tag

    dbt run -s "livequery_models,tag:core" --vars '{UPDATE_UDFS_AND_SPS: true}'
  3. Deploy any additional functions

    For example, deploy quicknode solana nft function + any dependencies (in this case the quicknode utils function)

    dbt run -s livequery_models.deploy.quicknode.quicknode_utils__quicknode_utils livequery_models.deploy.quicknode.quicknode_solana_nfts__quicknode_utils --vars '{UPDATE_UDFS_AND_SPS: true}'
  4. Override default LiveQuery configuration values by adding the below lines in the vars section of your project's dbt_project.yml

    API_INTEGRATION: '{{ var("config")[target.name]["API_INTEGRATION"] if var("config")[target.name] else var("config")["dev"]["API_INTEGRATION"] }}'
    EXTERNAL_FUNCTION_URI: '{{ var("config")[target.name]["EXTERNAL_FUNCTION_URI"] if var("config")[target.name] else var("config")["dev"]["EXTERNAL_FUNCTION_URI"] }}'
    ROLES: |

Configuring LiveQuery API endpoints

Individual projects have the option to point to a different LiveQuery API endpoint. To do so, modify your project's dbt_projects.yml to include the additional configurations within the project vars. If no configurations are specified, the default endpoints defined in the livequery_models package are used.

Below is a sample configuration. The API_INTEGRATION and EXTERNAL_FUNCTION_URI should point to the specific resources deployed for your project. The ROLES property is a list of Snowflake role names that are granted usage to the LiveQuery functions on deployment.

    # The keys correspond to dbt profiles and are case sensitive
      EXTERNAL_FUNCTION_URI: myproject.api.livequery.com/path-to-endpoint/
        - INTERNAL_DEV

Snowflake Tasks for GitHub Actions

A set of macros and UDFs have been created to help with the creation of Snowflake tasks to manage runs in GitHub Actions.

Basic Setup

  1. Make sure fsc-utils package referenced in the project is version v1.11.0 or greater. Re-run dbt deps if revision was changed.

  2. Make sure LiveQuery has been deployed to the project. See LiveQuery Functions for more information.

    If you are using tags to run your workflows, it is highly recommend to add the project name to the tag. For example, "ethereum_models,tag:core" instead of tag:core. This will ensure that the correct workflows are being ran within your project.

  3. Install the GitHub LiveQuery Functions

    dbt run -s livequery_models.deploy.marketplace.github --vars '{UPDATE_UDFS_AND_SPS: true}'

    Use -t prod when running in production

    GitHub secrets have been registered to the Snowflake System account, which is the user that will execute tasks. If you wish to use a different user to interact with the GitHub API, you will need to register the secrets to that user using Ephit.

  4. Deploy UDFs from fsc-utils package

    dbt run-operation fsc_utils.create_udfs --vars '{UPDATE_UDFS_AND_SPS: true}'

    Use -t prod when running in production

    Alternatively, you can add {{- fsc_utils.create_udfs() -}} to the create_udfs macro in your project to deploy the UDFs from fsc-utils on model start and when UPDATE_UDFS_AND_SPS is set to True.

  5. Add github_actions__workflows.csv to the data folder in your project. This file will contain the list of workflows to be created. The workflow name should be the same as the name of the .yml file in your project. It is recommended that the file name be the same as the workflow and run name. See Polygon for sample format.

    Seed the file into dbt

    dbt seed -s github_actions__workflows

    Add file to sources.yml

    - name: github_actions
      database: {{prod_db}}
      schema: github_actions
        - name: workflows

    If you would like to test in dev, you will need to seed your file to prod with a separate PR.

  6. Add the github_actions folder to your project's models folder. This folder contains the models that will be used to create and monitor the workflows. See Polygon

    Build the GitHub Actions View

    dbt run -m models/github_actions --full-refresh

    Add --vars '{UPDATE_UDFS_AND_SPS: true}' if you have not already created UDFs on version v1.11.0 or greater.

  7. Add the template workflows dbt_alter_gha_tasks.yml and dbt_test_tasks.yml

    The alter workflow is used to SUSPEND or RESUME tasks, which you will need to do if you want to pause a workflow while merging a big PR, for example. This is intended to be ran on an ad-hoc basis.

    The test workflow is used to test the workflows. It ensures that workflows are running according to the schedule and that the tasks are completing successfully. You will want to include this workflow within github_actions__workflows.csv. You can change the .yml included in the models/github_actions folder to better suite your testing needs, if necessary.

  8. Remove the cron schedule from any workflow .yml files that have been added to github_actions__workflows.csv, replace with workflow_dispatch:

         - "main"
  9. Add the START_GHA_TASKS variable to dbt_project.yml

  10. Create the Tasks

    dbt run-operation fsc_utils.create_gha_tasks --var '{"START_GHA_TASKS":True}'

    This will create the tasks in Snowflake and the workflows in GitHub Actions. The tasks will only be started if START_GHA_TASKS is set to True and the target is the production database for your project.

  11. Add a Data Dog CI Pipeline Alert on the logs of dbt_test_tasks to ensure that the test is checking the workflows successfully. See Polygon Task Alert in Data Dog for sample alert.


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License:MIT License


Language:PLpgSQL 89.4%Language:Makefile 10.6%