Flex814 / Rocket-Elevators-Foundation

Week 9

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


##Week 10 TDD:

Project Description

This week my task is to implement various tests into the Rocket Elevators Information System.

Testing Instructions

In rails, run the following command in order to test with RSPEC and see the results.

bin/rspec --format doc

Directories for the files changed are in: Rocket-Elevators-Foundation/spec/ and Rocket-Elevators-Foundation/lib/

##Week 9 Consolidation:

Project Description

This week my task is to implement various concepts learned in the past 8 weeks to the Rocket Elevators Information System.

Instructional Video

This video gives a brief explanation of the process for using various APIs on our website. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_hZ0M5t-WA

##Website Link: http://jakegelevatorstesting.com/

##Rest API Link: https://jakerocket.azurewebsites.net/interventions ##Rest API Repo: https://github.com/jakeg814/Rocket_Elevators_REST_API ##Rest API instructions:

Retrieving a list of pending interventions: https://jakerocket.azurewebsites.net/interventions Change the status of a intervention to "InProgress" and add the start date of the intervention In Postman body: {"id": "1", "status": "InProgress" } method: PUT

Change the status of a intervention to "Completed" and add the end date of the intervention In Postman body: {"id": "1", "status": "Completed" } method: PUT

##GraphQL API Link: https://jakegapi.herokuapp.com/graphql ##GraphQL API Repo: https://github.com/jakeg814/Rocket_Elevators_GraphQL_API ##GraphQL API Instructions:

Retrieving a list of pending interventions:

 pending_interventions {

Change the status of a intervention to "InProgress" and add the start date of the intervention

mutation {	
	 update_intervention_start_date(id: 7) {

Change the status of a intervention to "Completed" and add the end date of the intervention

mutation {	
	 update_intervention_end_date(id: 7) {

Original project info

Project Description

This week our task is to implement various APIs to add more features to our Rocket Elevator website.

Instructional Video

This video gives a brief explanation of the process for using various APIs on our website. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_WWfAmEDwc

Back Office Admin Logins

Nicolas Genest | CEO | nicolas.genest@codeboxx.biz | password: password

Nadya Fortier | Director | nadya.fortier@codeboxx.biz | password: password

Martin Chantal | Director Assistant | martin.chantal@codeboxx.biz | password: password

Mathieu Houde | Captain | mathieu.houde@codeboxx.biz | password: password

Abdul Akeeb | Developer | abdul.akeeb@codeboxx.biz | password: password

Timothy Wever | Developer | timothy.wever@codeboxx.biz | password: password

Krista Sheely | Developer | krista.sheely@codeboxx.biz | password: password


First, you need a copy a database.yml file, which will specify your database information. Add this file to the config folder. A copy of the database.yml file is here https://github.com/dominhannguyen/database-yml

Next, include a copy of application.yml file, this file should be placed inside the config folder, which specifies the API key.

# Add configuration values here, as shown below.
# pusher_app_id: "2954"
# pusher_key: 7381a978f7dd7f9a1117
# pusher_secret: abdc3b896a0ffb85d373
# stripe_api_key: sk_test_2J0l093xOyW72XUYJHE4Dv2r
# stripe_publishable_key: pk_test_ro9jV5SNwGb1yYlQfzG17LHK
# production:
#   stripe_api_key: sk_live_EeHnL644i6zo4Iyq4v1KdV9H
#   stripe_publishable_key: pk_live_9lcthxpSIHbGwmdO941O1XVU

Next, open your ubuntu terminal and run this command to install the dependencies:

bundle install

Third, run this command to set up your databases:

rails db:setup

Finally, run this command:

rails server

You can now see the website at a web browser at localhost:3000

API implemented:

  • Google Maps: We used gem 'geocoder' m to convert the addresses to latitude and longitude
  • Twilio: We used gem 'gem 'twilio-ruby', '~> 5.61.0' to integrate twilio to our apps
  • Slack: We used gem gem 'slack-notifier' to integrate slack to our apps
  • Dropbox: We used gem gem 'dropbox_api' to integrate slack to our apps
  • SendGrid: We used gem gem 'sendgrid-ruby' and gem 'sendgrid-actionmailer' to integrate Sendgrid to our apps
  • Amazon Polly: We used gem gem 'aws-sdk-polly' to integrate Amazon Polly to our apps
  • Zendesk: We used gem gem "zendesk_api" to integrate slack to our apps

Ruby / Rails version

We used Ruby 2.6.6 and Ruby on Rails 5.2.6


Team Lead: Matthew Dandurand
Team Members: Jacob Gomez, Do Minh An Nguyen, Arman Adibi, and Tyler Calderon


Week 9


Language:SCSS 44.2%Language:JavaScript 39.7%Language:Ruby 7.4%Language:CSS 4.1%Language:HTML 4.1%Language:Haml 0.5%