Flatroy / laravel-guidelines

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Laravel Guidelines at Protone Media

Work in progress!

Development Guidelines

Dependencies and styling

  • Use the latest version of the Laravel Framework and additional packages.
  • Use the least amount of additional packages, and avoid solutions that require the installation of additional tools on the server.
  • Stay close to first-party Laravel-style conventions and guidelines. Carefully read the framework documentation and navigate its source code and first-party packages for inspiration.


  • Everything should work with Inertia SSR and Laravel Octane.
  • Use translation strings, don't hard-code strings. This also applies to data like the app name, company name, company address, etc. Things may change over time.
  • Prefer storing settings in the database rather than configuration files.
  • Avoid events/listeners. As always, it depends on the situation. If we're talking about 5+ actions, this might become cumbersome, and you want to use listeners. But my starting point is to keep it simple within the controller and refactor when it becomes more complex.
  • Use atomic locks for actions like account creation, order confirmation, etc.


  • Write tests for everything. Also, every endpoint should have a Laravel Dusk E2E test, and every feature should have its own test.

Controllers and Actions

  • Keep controllers minimalistic and use actions similar to Laravel Fortify. For example, an interface would be named UpdatesUserProfileInformation, and its implementation UpdateUserProfileInformation.
  • Keep an activity log of all non-GET requests.


  • Implement CSP and other security-related headers from the start. Don't think of it as an after sight.

Database and Eloquent

  • Create sensible Model Factories and Seeders. After cloning this repo, there should be a single seeder that you can run to interact with all parts of the app.
  • If you need to display a set of database records, always use pagination.
  • If you need to loop over database records and do some work, always use chunks with the chunk or chunkById method.
  • Never leak Eloquent Models into the front-end. Always use API Resources and don't use toArray() on a Model. Also, never directly use a request to save a model (e.g. Model::create($request->all())). Always validate and manually specify all fields (e.g. Model::create($request->validated())). This way, we can unguard the models.
  • Use the static query() method to begin querying an Eloquent Model.
  • Use Incrementing IDs as the internal primary key. Use UUIDs for consumer-facing endpoints.
  • Always prevent the lazy loading of relationships.
  • Keep an eye on the duration of individual database queries. You may add this snippet, which I found in the handleExceedingCumulativeQueryDuration PR.
if (!app()->isProduction()) {
    DB::listen(function (QueryExecuted $event) {
        if ($event->time > 100) {
            throw new QueryException(
                new Exception("Individual database query exceeded 100ms.")
  • For all data, write a mechanism to delete it as well. Make sure files and database records are deletable without breaking the application.

Mailables and Notifications

  • Prefer attaching a PDF to a Mailable rather than using more text or data in the mail contents.
  • There must be a way for users to resend a Mailable, for example, an order confirmation.


You may use ESLint to find problems that can be automatically fixed. You'll find a sensible default .eslintrc.js file in this repository.

npm install eslint eslint-plugin-vue --dev

NPM script:

"scripts": {
    "eslint": "./node_modules/.bin/eslint resources/js/ --ext .js,.vue --fix"

PHP CS Fixer

You may use PHP CS Fixer to fix your code to follow standards. You'll find a sensible default .php-cs-fixer.php file in this repository.

composer require friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer --dev

Composer script:

"scripts": {
    "php-cs-fixer": [
        "vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config=.php-cs-fixer.php --verbose"


You may use Babel to support code splitting with Inertia.

npm install @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import --dev

Laravel Mix

Install Polyfill extension to include polyfills by using Babel, core-js, and regenerator-runtime.

npm install laravel-mix-polyfill --dev

Checkout the webpack.mix.js example file, which includes fixes for some older browsers.


License:MIT License


Language:PHP 74.5%Language:JavaScript 25.5%