Fire-Null / CVE-2023-3460


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CVE-2023-3460: Unauthorized Admin Access in Ultimate Member Plugin

CVE ID CVSS Score Discovered Affected Plugin Vendor Vulnerability Type
CVE-2023-3460 Critical 07/04/2023 Ultimate Member Ultimate Member Unauthorized Admin Access

What is Ultimate Member Plugin?

Ultimate Member is a popular WordPress plugin that provides a comprehensive set of features for user registration, login, and profile management. It is widely used by websites to create powerful user communities and membership sites. The plugin has 200,000+ active installations.

Ultimate Member Plugin

Vulnerability Details

The vulnerability, known as CVE-2023-3460, exposes a security flaw in the Ultimate Member plugin for WordPress. It enables unauthorized access to administrative features of a WordPress site. The issue arises due to inadequate access control checks within the plugin. As a result, an attacker possessing a non-administrator user role can perform actions that should only be allowed for users with administrative privileges. This critical vulnerability poses a significant risk, potentially granting unauthorized users admin-level access to the widely-used Ultimate Member plugin. Website administrators must act promptly to mitigate the risk by updating the plugin to its latest version and implementing robust security measures to safeguard their WordPress sites from potential exploitation.


The unauthorized administrative access granted by this vulnerability could lead to serious consequences, including but not limited to:

  1. Data Breach: The attacker could gain access to sensitive user data, such as email addresses, passwords, and other personal information stored in user profiles.

  2. Site Compromise: An attacker with administrative access could modify or delete critical site settings, posts, or pages, causing significant damage to the website's content and reputation.

  3. Malicious Actions: The attacker might inject malicious code into the website, enabling further attacks or redirecting users to malicious sites.

Let's Exploit

Let's explore the Roles and Capabilities of WordPress, which include various user roles such as Super Admin, Administrator, Editor, Author, and Contributor. Now, how can we gain admin privileges? To do that, let's first understand how the Ultimate Member plugin works. Initially, we need to configure the plugin properly by creating specific pages in the Pages section and then linking them to Ultimate Member > Settings. Once that's done, we have the option to create new roles or utilize the default roles offered by Ultimate Member.

WordPress Roles

By now, we should have a functional plugin. Now, let's delve into the backend to understand its workings. I registered a regular user with the Subscriber role. If we examine the wp_usermeta table in MySQL, we'll find that the wp_capabilities value is set to a serialized array, which defines our role— in this case, it's set as Subscriber.

Our Role

To change the value of wp_capabilities, we can include it as a parameter in the POST request during the registration process, as shown below:

Send Parameter

But it won't end there just yet. You see, there's a function named is_metakey_banned that operates by checking various values like "cap_key", "wp_capabilities", "wp_user_level", "user_activation_key", etc. However, our main interest lies in the wp_capabilities. If we include it in our request body, the function will hit the break statement, preventing us from changing our role.


From this point onward, we can attempt using various decoding types, but after some research and a bit of help from AI, I discovered that WordPress accepts accent characters like à, è, ì, ò, ù, À, È, Ì, Ò, Ù as default characters. Now, if we use these characters in our request body, for example, wp_càpabilities=administrator, what will happen? Well, it doesn't hit the break point on line 182 in class-user.php, and this allows us to bypass the is_metakey_banned function.


Upon checking the MySQL database, we can confirm that we have successfully changed the value.

Change Value

However, even though we have changed the value, it is essential to note that we are still not assigned the admin role, and in fact, we don't have any roles assigned to us at all.

Doesn't Change

Indeed, we have made some progress. However, to become an admin, we need to have the exact same value as the admin role, which appears like this: a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;}. Now, let's try passing this value directly to our parameter and see if it works.

Pass Serialized Value

Upon re-checking the MySQL database, we can confirm that we did set the value of wp_capabilities. However, this isn't what we expected, as we are still not granted the admin role. Our attempt to directly set the wp_capabilities value to the admin role didn't produce the desired outcome.

Change Value

It appears that our value was received and converted into a serialized string. However, upon examining the wp_capabilities of the admin role, we can observe that it is a serialized array, which is what we actually need. Thankfully, WordPress has its own serialization mechanism, so we can pass our value as an array, and WordPress will handle the serialization process for us. Therefore, our payload should be formatted as wp_càpabilities[administrator]=1. By providing it in this manner, WordPress will correctly interpret the array and grant us the administrator role.

WordPress Serialize

Indeed, after making the necessary changes, we can observe that the value of wp_capabilities has been modified to a:1:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";}. This adjustment now enables us to log in as an admin, granting the privileges associated with the administrator role.

Change Role

Absolutely! With the wp_capabilities value correctly set to a:1:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";}, we can now successfully log in as an administrator and enjoy the privileges and access granted to the admin role.


