FingerRec / Faster-rcnn_Ship_detection

Ocean Ship Image Process(DSP) And Detection(faster-rcnn).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Minimum Version

Install these toolboxs from MatlabR2018b app manager directly.
A cuda-avilable gpu is auto used in matlab. Make sure you have a GPU, cpu train is very slow.


image image image image image image image image image


This project include 3 parts.

  • Preprocess
  • Image Enhancement
  • Ship Detection

Preprocess: denoise(medfilt), motionclear(winner filter), compress(wavelet compress) Enhancement: DCT, Color based Ship Detection: Faster-rcnn


  1. download MASTAI and airbus-ship-detection-data, extract to any place. (MASTAI only have main class label without mask. Kaggle airbus data are used to train faster-rcnn.)
  2. add this project to path.
  3. Modify line7-line9 in FasterRcnn/train_faster_rcnn.m according to your dataset's place, train faster-rcnn and use FasterRcnn/test_faster_rcnn.m to test the model.(Install resnet50 according to the tip.)
  4. Test the model's preformance on MASTAI by using test_another_dataset.m.(modify line 5 and line 12.)
  5. Open main.mlapp and run.

Trained Model

I have published trained model: mlp_based_faster_rcnn resnet50_based_faster_rcnn


This project is based on matlab toolobox.


Ocean Ship Image Process(DSP) And Detection(faster-rcnn).


Language:MATLAB 100.0%