Findarato / Feather-WiFi-OLED-BME280-Monitor

Repository from Github https://github.comFindarato/Feather-WiFi-OLED-BME280-MonitorRepository from Github https://github.comFindarato/Feather-WiFi-OLED-BME280-Monitor

Web Accessable Temperature gague /w OLED readout

Build Status

Now with Toggle switches

A πŸ”˜ Shows IP
B πŸ”˜ Shows Readings

There are a few libraries you will need, and they are listed below. Ensure they are in your Arduino libraries folder and you should be able to compile the file.

If your into using the terminal

arduino --install-library "Adafruit GFX Library,ArduinoJson,Adafruit SSD1306,Adafruit BME280 Library,Adafruit Unified Sensor"
platformio ci --project-conf=platformio.ini ./src

Libraries Needed to be installed



Language:C++ 99.4%Language:Shell 0.6%