FieldDB / opensauce

GNU Octave-compatible version of VoiceSauce

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


OPENSAUCE is an GNU Octave-compatible version of VOICESAUCE, software for automated voice measurements.


Currently, OPENSAUCE has only been tested on Mac OSX (Mavericks). Other *nix environments
may require some tweaking. If you're on Windows, for now your best bet is to install VirtualBox and something like Ubuntu.


Clone the OPENSAUCE repository, "cd" into the directory:

	$ git clone
	$ cd /path/to/opensauce

If you're on a Mac, here's a one-line for adding the SAUCE_ROOT environment variable to your .bash_profile:

	$ echo export SAUCE_ROOT=$PWD >> ~/.bash_profile

Then, don't forget to

	$ source ~/.bash_profile

or open a new Terminal session.

If you're not on a Mac, add "export SAUCE_ROOT=/path/to/opensauce/directory" to your .profile manually.

Hello World

Coming soon...


GNU Octave-compatible version of VoiceSauce
